Friday, November 1, 2013

Living Like Saints

It was so wonderful seeing so many of you at the Halloween Festival last night!!

Today was such a beautiful day to celebrate All Saints Day and to keep in mind All Souls Day that is tomorrow!  Living like saints and following the Golden Rule is present every day in our classroom!

We had music today which is a reminder to be practicing the Christmas song and lyrics at home with your child!

In math, we worked with a number line and counting bears to identify numbers before, after, and inbetween a given number.

We added 'ant, plant, tan, pan, nap, on, an, not' to our Word Worm!!

Our SecondStep Guidance lesson involved acknowledging the feelings of afraid/scared and interested.

We read The Perfect Nest to identify the beginning, middle, and end story parts, along with predicting what we thought would happen next if the story went on!

Our outreach Spanish teachers also came to do a lesson with us today!

It was a busy, but cheerful and wonderfully sunny day!  I hope you each have a terrific weekend enjoying the many blessings that are all around!


For the next two weeks, we will be doing morning prayer and pledge for the school!  We will be leaving our classroom at 7:55a.m. each morning to say the prayer and pledge as a class!