Monday, November 18, 2013

Magnificent Monday!!!

The sun is shining bright for us today as we learn about the letter 's' and our new keyword is 'sun!'

In science this week, we will be learning about the needs of animals and their relationships within their own habitats!

In social studies, we will be learning about the differences in life long ago to our present time!

'Thanking is Good!' is our theme in religion this week as we acknowledge all that we are thankful for as we near Thanksgiving!!

Our Spanish teachers came today for a lesson with us!!

Our pumpkin sprouts are growing bigger and bigger each day!!  After seeing its growth over the weekend, many of us said, "It looks like a forest!"


Please sign and return progress reports if you have not already done so!

WEDNESDAY is our Thanksgiving Luncheon!!! Money for lunch must be sent in for your child, along with any adults that will be present, or your child must bring their own lunch since Twelve Oaks will NOT be serving lunch that day!

Picture retakes are Wednesday!!!

We are still collecting canned and boxed food items that are not expired!! We are up to 19 cans now!!!