Wednesday, November 13, 2013

What a Day!

Today we had a very busy day in which we worked with identifying patterns as AB or not AB patterns, identifying nocturnal and diurnal animals, completing our 'Where We Live' books as we finished with the Earth, identified our new sight word 'to,' and started work with a decodable reader called 'Hop on Mom'! 


BLUE WEDNESDAY FOLDERS come home today that have very important information inside for you to read over carefully and return necessary items.  PROGRESS REPORTS are coming home today for you to look over, sign, and send back to school with your child by TOMORROW please!!!  If you have any questions/concerns, please feel free to contact me! 

Inside the Wednesday Folders is the Thanksgiving Luncheon sign up sheet!!! This is one special opportunity for you and your child to take part in together as we give thanks as a school community! PLEASE fill out the RSVP paper and send back to school with enclosed amount of money!! 

We will be visiting the Book Fair again tomorrow to purchase books that are on our Wish Lists.  If you would like for your child to purchase books at this time, please send in their Wish List with money for the amount of books they wish to purchase!

TOMORROW there is a PTP Meeting at 7:00p.m.

EARLY DISMISSAL is this FRIDAY!! There will be lunch and ESD.

We are still collecting our canned food/boxed food items as a class to support the St. Luke Food Pantry!!!