Brrrrrr! What a breathtaking (or take your breath away) chilly Friday!!
In our SecondStep guidance today we learned about accidents and when things happen, but they're not on purpose. We practiced how to respond to accidents and how to handle them with our friends!
Today we listened to The First Thanksgiving to retell the story in order to learn the relationship between the Indians and Pilgrims!
In math today, we worked with placing objects (our shoes!) on a larger sized graph to read the graph to identify the most and fewest!
We practiced our Christmas song again today in music and our Spanish teachers came for a lesson!!
We had a fantastic day learning together!!
Your child has homework this weekend to build a Tepee!!! The model is on a piece of paper, but you and your family can decorate however you wish to!! Once we all have created one, we will have a tepee village in our classroom! We are truly enjoying learning about the Native Americans and life long ago!
We are still collecting cans!!! We are up to 63!! We will collect cans through next Tuesday!
I hope you each have a warm and safe weekend!! May God's blessings be overflowing for you and your families!!!
FYI: We DO have school next Monday and Tuesday!!! We do NOT have school Wednesday-Friday in order to celebrate Thanksgiving!!