Monday, November 11, 2013

We Meet Again, Monday!!!

Today our special class was Computers and we got to visit the Book Fair!!! We each made a list with the prices for the books that we would love to get.  We will be visiting the Book Fair again on Thursday, so if you would like to send money in with your child to purchase the items on their list, please send it with them on THURSDAY!!!

Today we began work with a new vowel: 'i'

We learned about Veteran's Day and why each of us was dressed in red, white, and blue!!  We truly are thankful for all that have served and are serving our country!!

This week in science we will be working with identifying animals, their different characteristics, and their habitats!

In social studies, we are wrapping up our work about 'Where We Live' as we will be discussing the Earth!

In math this week, we will be working with the number 9 and continuing our work with pennies, patterns, and a new concept: weighing to compare weights or more and less!

Your child has a Reading Practice sheet tonight for their homework for you to read with them and work with the words.  Please mark off the words your child can read to you.  Practice with these words is encouraged every day!  This practice can be done through finding/recognizing in books/magazines/lists/etc., writing, and making the words with different objects such as food items or small objects to include buttons.


BOOK FAIR is this week!!!

PTP Meeting this Thursday, November 14th at 7:00p.m. in the Parish Hall!!!

Friday is a HALF DAY of school!! There will be lunch and ESD!

During the month of November, we are encouraging each child and family to support the ARK: St. Luke Catholic Food Pantry by bringing in canned/non-perishable food items!! This can include any canned food item such as vegetables, fruit, tuna, peanut butter, etc. or boxed items to include pasta and microwavable meals! Just as God has provided us, we are called to help others in need and to be the giving hands of Jesus! This is such an unique opportunity for you and your family to count your blessings, help others, and join in thanksgiving during this time of year!! Just imagine the impact we could make in others' lives if each day we each brought in at least 1 item for the collection!!! There is no limit to giving!!

The Thanksgiving Luncheon is Wednesday, November 20th!!! This is a very special event to share in and be a part of as a school family!! Please fill out and return the Thanksgiving Luncheon form with money amount to pay for the number of people in attendance!!