Today in math we worked more with identifying shapes according to 3 attributes (color, shape, and size) to choose the shape that did not belong in a group. We are also working very hard on identifying numbers and rote counting!
We learned the formation of the upper case ‘M’ and how to identify if a sound is heard at the beginning, end, or in the middle of a word using our letter tiles.
In social studies, we worked more with identifying the places we live and how they can be different for people around the world. We talked about transportation, moving from one place to the next in our neighborhoods.
Please be aware of the changing weather!! Tomorrow the weather is forecasted to be much colder so please make sure your child is coming to school with a sweater/sweatshirt and is prepared to be bundled well to stay warm and healthy!
During the month of November, we are encouraging each child and family to support the ARK: St. Luke Catholic Food Pantry by bringing in canned/non-perishable food items!! This can include any canned food item such as vegetables, fruit, tuna, peanut butter, etc. or boxed items to include pasta and microwavable meals! Just as God has provided us, we are called to help others in need and to be the giving hands of Jesus! This is such an unique opportunity for you and your family to count your blessings, help others, and join in thanksgiving during this time of year!! Just imagine the impact we could make in others' lives if each day we each brought in at least 1 item for the collection!!! There is no limit to giving!!
Movie night is this coming Friday, November 8th!! Food concessions will open at 6:00p.m. and the movie will start at 7:00p.m. Admission is 1 canned food item (not expired)!
Book Fair is NEXT WEEK!