Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wonderful Wednesday Thanksgiving Luncheon!

What a wonderful Thanksgiving Luncheon Feast we had today!! It was such a special opportunity to share in thanksgiving together!

Today we worked with consonant blends (just like putting two letters and their sounds into a blender to blend them to make one sound)!

In math, we worked with geoboards to work on our shapes!

Fitting in perfectly with giving thanks around a wonderful meal together today, we talked about the 'Grace Before Meals' prayer that we pray every time before we eat to thank God for the food He blesses us with!

In science, we learned about forest animals and hibernation!

We used our imaginations in social studies today to write and draw about if we lived long ago!

Our food collection is now: 59!!! The giving is spreading and is truly amazing!

FYI: There are NO Wednesday folders being sent home today.