Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Totally Tuesday!

Today at St. Luke Catholic School in kindergarten we:

Worked with making and identifying ABB patterns!

Practiced counting and identifying numbers 1-100!

Blended two and three letters and their sounds to make consonant blends!

Practiced 's' letter and sound work!

Listened to 'The Thankful Man' from our Child's Bible to hear about the story of Jesus healing 10 men and only one returning to say "Thank you!"

Discussed similartities and differences between life long ago to now and the changes related to tasks such as cooking and traveling!


TOMORROW is the Thanksgiving Luncheon!!! Twelve Oaks will NOT be serving lunch! This means you must pay for your child to have the Thanksgiving Luncheon or have your child bring their own lunch to school!!

Tomorrow is also picture retakes!!

We are up to 42 cans for our Food Drive!!! We are still collecting to help the St. Luke Food Pantry!!