Wow! What a marvelous Monday in kindergarten!! We began our morning by saying the prayer and pledge as a class for the school and did an outstanding job! We then worked very hard in computers and were proud to say that we stepped up to assist friends when help was needed!
Today we began work with our new letter 'Mm!' We are so excited about all of the new words we can make using the letter 'm!'
We worked extra hard in math today with money work and addition!
In religion this week, we are learning about how God made us each wonderful in our own ways and how we have special traits and talents that God gave us to use and share!
Even though it was cloudy today and the sun was not out, we are learning about the sun and its ability to make shadows as it is a source of heat and light!
Today our Spanish teachers came for some extra time to do a lesson with us!
There is such a wonderful sense of classroom community in our kindergarten class and today we did such a wonderful job of working and learning together as we helped each other in numerous ways that we reached the 2nd line on our 'Warm Fuzzy Jar!' The class was able to choose a song to enjoy listening to, and their class choice was 'Mr. Sun!' We also listened to 'Down by the Bay' and 'Brush Your Teeth' as time allowed :)
Parents: There is a survey coming home with your child that must be completed TONIGHT and returned TOMORROW!!! Please make sure you take the time to complete the survey and send back to school tomorrow with your child!! Thank you!
Movie night is this coming Friday, November 8th!! Food concessions will open at 6:00p.m. and the movie will start at 7:00p.m. Admission is 1 canned food item (not expired)!
Book Fair is NEXT WEEK!