Friday, November 8, 2013

What a Gorgeous Friday!

We did such a wonderful job showing reverence and participating in Mass today!! As a class, we received 1 big warm fuzzy!!

We were quick to notice new words on our word worm to include: mop, lamp, ham, and hat!

In our SecondStep guidance lesson today, we worked with identifying the feeling of anger and learned what it means to show empathy!

Today we retold the story of If You Give a Moose a Muffin in order to illustrate and write about something that we would give a moose!! We worked hard to put all of our work together to make a class story!

We are working hard solving problems in math using linking cubes to act out, draw, and explain the process of how we solved the problem!

Our Spanish teachers also came today!!

Our pumpkin seeds/sprouts have been replanted and are now basking in the sunlight in our classroom to see if a pumpkin vine will grow!! We are waiting patiently as we make observations each today in hopes of a blossom from our sprouts!!

We had more students receive their 1st and even 2nd free ice cream treats from Braums as they have been logging the books they have read and brought in their Braums Book Buddy pamphlet to receive their stickers!!!

Our food basket is getting fuller as we are bringing in food items for the Food Pantry!! What a beautiful act of thanking God for our blessings while having a giving hand towards others!

I hope you each have a blessed weekend enjoying the beauty that God has provided us this fall in the company of loved ones!!


TONIGHT is MOVIE NIGHT!!! Food concessions will open at 6:00p.m. and the movie will start at 7:00p.m. A fun filled night is to be had by all so come in your pajamas, bring a blanket (chairs for adults), and enjoy the movie 'Epic!' Admission is 1 canned food item (not expired) which will benefit the St. Luke Food Pantry! What a great way to spend quality time together as a family, all while making a positive impact on the community!!

MONDAY is Veteran's Day and in observance of Veteran's Day we will have a dress down day in which red, white, and blue can be worn!!  NO skinny jeans or logos on shirts please!
Please be aware of the changing weather!! Please make sure your child is coming to school with a sweater/sweatshirt and is prepared to be bundled well to stay warm and healthy!

During the month of November, we are encouraging each child and family to support the ARK: St. Luke Catholic Food Pantry by bringing in canned/non-perishable food items!! This can include any canned food item such as vegetables, fruit, tuna, peanut butter, etc. or boxed items to include pasta and microwavable meals! Just as God has provided us, we are called to help others in need and to be the giving hands of Jesus! This is such an unique opportunity for you and your family to count your blessings, help others, and join in thanksgiving during this time of year!! Just imagine the impact we could make in others' lives if each day we each brought in at least 1 item for the collection!!! There is no limit to giving!!

Book Fair is NEXT WEEK!
The Thanksgiving Luncheon is Wednesday, November 20th!!! This is a very special event to share in and be a part of as a school family!! Please fill out and return the Thanksgiving Luncheon form with money amount to pay for the number of people in attendance!!