The gorgeous warmth is back!! I hope you each are able to enjoy the half day off from school!
Today we had Mass and went to music, which reminded us all to be studying our Christmas song for the performance!!!
Through our guidance today, we worked with identifying the same and different feelings that one might experience for the same scenarios!
I would like to send out a big heartfelt "THANK YOU!" to each of you who supported our classroom by buying books on our wish list from the book fair! Books are the best gift!!!
May God Bless each of you and your loved ones!
Thanksgiving Luncheon is this coming WEDNESDAY!!! Twelve Oaks will NOT be providing lunch that day so please send in money for your child to purchase the Thanksgiving lunch or plan to bring their own lunch!!
Picture Retakes are Wednesday!!
We are still collecting our canned food/boxed food items as a class to support the St. Luke Food Pantry!!! We currently have 15 cans! The Preschool is doing a marvelous job and has 89 cans----it's all about the giving!!