Thursday, November 14, 2013

Thrilling Thursday!!

We had computers, library, and visited the Book Fair today!

In math today we worked with our balance to test our predictions and determine objects that weigh more and less!

For religion, we recalled our Baptism and growing to be more like Jesus as we are Christians--we love the song "They'll Know We are Christians!"

We have been working very hard on our writing to share ideas and write about concepts that we have learned!

In science, we discussed the different habitats for animals and made an illustration for a forest, ocean, farm, and desert!

Tonight your child has Math homework to practice handwriting for the number 6-10!!

THANK YOU for all that you do to support your child, our class, and our school as we all learn and grow together!!!


Please SIGN and RETURN Progress Reports if you have not already done so!!!

Don't forget the Thanksgiving Luncheon sign up sheet!!! This is one special opportunity for you and your child to take part in together as we give thanks as a school community! PLEASE fill out the RSVP paper and send back to school with enclosed amount of money!! 

Book Fair is still going on!!!

TONIGHT there is a PTP Meeting at 7:00p.m.

TOMORROW: EARLY DISMISSAL!! There will be lunch and ESD.

We are still collecting our canned food/boxed food items as a class to support the St. Luke Food Pantry!!!