Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

There is definitely Halloween excitement in the air today!!

After reading a festive book, we did a writing prompt to write and illustrate what costume each of us was going to be!

We are working with our digital and analog clocks to identify different times!

We also worked with our word parts, syllables, to identify how many syllables are in words by clapping for each syllable.

In religion today, we learned more about the saints and the celebrations of All Saints Day and All Souls day that will take place tomorrow!!

In social studies, we learned more from Ty the Turtle about maps and rooms within a building, such as our school!

In science, we expanded our learning of the phases of the moon as we worked with Oreos as a group to make the different phases to include new, crescent, quarter, gibbous, and full!


TONIGHT is the Halloween Festival from 5:30-7:30!!! Come out to enjoy fun games, candy, and Halloween fun!! Hope to see you there!

TOMORROW we have Mass and due to it being a Holy Day of Obligation, we will arrive at Mass early so we will leave our classroom promptly at 7:50 a.m.  Please make sure your child is at school and has used the restroom by 7:45a.m.

TOMORROW is All Saints Day in which your child may dress up for Mass as the Saint they are named after or a Saint that is special and significant to you and your family!! Your child will wear their Saint's costume OVER THEIR SCHOOL UNIFORM as we will be taking the costume dress off after Mass.

PLEASE send back to school the signed permission sheets for the video taping of students learning for the outreach Spanish teachers' lesson!!!

Please make sure you have texted or emailed for the Remind101!!!
Text: 469-518-3975 the message: @stlukeca
Email: Send an email to: