Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thrilling Thursday!!

In light of a thrilling Thursday, today we began learning about consonant blends!!! Blending two consonants together to produce one sound!  We talked about the process of putting two consonant sounds into a blender (such as th, pl, sl, bl, etc.)!  In math we worked with a new manipulative, different sized, colored, shaped, and number of holes on buttons to sort in all different ways determined by the students!!

We are working hard to complete our Family Circle Trees! 

Today we had computer, library, and had the special opportunity to watch the presentation of 'Cinderella' by Windy City Players!! We made predictions of the play beforehand comparing it to the 'Cinderella' story, participated in being a wonderful audience, and then discussed the differences in the play and the movie/book to decide upon our favorite parts!!

Tonight your child is bringing home 't' homework for them and you to decide what kind of 't' activities to participate in!  This is a great learning activity to do alongside your child as they come back to school and are so excited to share their experiences!!


Friday, October 4th there will be the Blessing for Animals after Mass in which parents may bring their pets to the church to be blessed. ALL pets must be on a leash/contained and will go back home with the parent after the blessing. If your family does NOT have a pet, your child may bring in a stuffed animal small enough to fit inside their backpack which can be blessed!

SELL and return those RAFFLE TICKETS for FALL FESTIVAL this weekend!!!!!