Yet another busy learning day in Kindergarten!! We began our day with computers, followed by working with our number cards 0-10 to play math Bingo!
To extend our learning with nursery rhymes and verses, along with rhyming words, we worked with the Five Little Pumpkins verse with actions!
We recalled the lifecycle of a pumpkin and how it grows to make a pop-up Lifecycle of a Pumpkin sequence card!
We did a practice version of the ITBS testing that will take place next week to prepare ourselves! We are working hard on remembering that the number 1 rule is to "TRY OUR BEST!"
TONIGHT: PTP Meeting at 7:00p.m. in the Parish Hall!!
TOMORROW: HALF-DAY of school!! There will be lunch served and ESD!
TOMORROW: We have Mass at 8:00a.m. so please make sure your child is at school and has already used the restroom by 7:45a.m.