Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Beautiful Tuesday!

The beautiful weather allowed us to have extra time outside today during P.E. which we loved!!

Our new letter this week is 'p' and "pig" is our password!  We are working with new word worm words to include: pop, hop, and top!  Today we learned how to unblend consonant sounds using the 'gl' and 'pl' consonant blends.

In math, we are working with how to identify different sized and colored shapes along with using our mathematical terms first, second, third, and fourth correctly!

In science, we are working with a real pumpkin (bigger than the small pumpkins we have in our science center) as we make observations, predictions, experiment, and record our findings!

We are recognizing how each of us has grown and are capable of different activities from when we were a baby to our present time in kindergarten!  We are realizing that we each change and grow in different ways!


PTP Meeting Thursday at 7:00 p.m.

Half-Day of school Friday, October 11th!! There WILL be lunch and ESD!

PLEASE send in your child's baby picture to display in our classroom for a short time by tomorrow, WEDNESDAY!! Thank you!!