Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Rainy Rainy Tuesday!

Another rainy day today, but we did get a chance to get outside in-between the rain for Team Relay Races after our hard work on ITBS Testing!!

To prepare for the feast of St. Luke on Friday, we are learning all about him and his wonderous works as a Saint and follower of Jesus this week!

Today we did more work with our pumpkin in our classroom to predict whether it would sink or float, experimenting, and then concluding that the pumpkin did FLOAT, but it turned upside down!! We also measured the height of our pumpkin using linking cubes after predicting how many linking cubes tall it would be.  It measured 17 linking cubes tall!!


TONIGHT is the Appreciation Dinner for Fall Festival at 6:00p.m. in the Parish Hall!!! Hope to see you there!!!

Please send in 1 healthy snack with your child each day this week for ITBS Testing!!