Today we had a very busy day as we had our school pictures, visited the library to get new books, did matrix work in math, worked with new words for our Word Worm to include tag, gap, hat, lap, and pal, discovered new sight words to include the, a, and at, practiced being nocturnal animals such as bats to sort pictures into day and night on our NOW UP AND RUNNING SMARTBOARD, learned about animals in Spanish, and had Art!! We also got to celebrate how hard work during testing last week with popcorn from Mrs. Carruth!!! THANK YOU Mrs. Carruth for helping us celebrate doing a great job on our testing!
Parents: There are A LOT of germs going around and sickness (stomach, fever, cough, and even strep) is spreading fast. We are doing our best to clean our room and our hands as often as possible, but germs are inevitably everywhere. Please be aware of your child's health and how they are feeling so that we can do all that we can to avoid the germs and stay healthy!
TOMORROW, Thursday, is Parent Teacher Conferences!! Please be on time as the appointments are limited in their time!!
There is NO school Thursday and
Friday this week! Have a restful, wonderful long weekend!
Please remember to talk with your child about All
Saints Day on November 1st in which they may dress up for Mass as the Saint they
are named after or a Saint that is special and significant to you and your
family!! Your child will wear their Saint's costume OVER THEIR SCHOOL UNIFORM
as we will be taking the costume dress off after Mass.
Along with All
Saints Day, we will be celebrating All Souls Day in which your child may bring
in a picture of a person who has passed with which we would remember
specially for All Souls Day. Please put your child's name on the back of the