Friday, October 4, 2013

Fabulous Friday!!!

What a fun-filled fabulous day in Kindergarten!! We began our day with Mass followed by the Blessing of the Animals (both alive and our stuffed animals)!  Our special class today was music!!

In our SecondStep guidance program today, we learned about being assertive when asking for help, but first trying ourselves, asking a friend, and then asking an adult for assistance!! Along with this, we discussed the respectful way to ask for help!

Today in math we worked with ordering numbers 1-10 using our number cards and identifying the missing number which was removed by our partners! 

We reviewed our learning of the letters we have so far investigated thoroughly and had a spelling test using shaving cream to include our Word Worm Words: log, hog, hot, lot, got, and tot!

We then read a train track poem and identified many consonant blends!!  We then made a Train Track snack to include our shapes of circles, rectangles, and squares!
The train slowly went down the track slickity slack.

The train shook down the track, shickity shack.

The train traveled down the track, trickity track.

The train chugged down the track,chickity chack.

The train plowed down the track, plicity plack.

The train creaked down the track, crickity crack.

The train whizzed down the track, whickity whack.


We had 2 visiting students from the University of Dallas which are part of the Foreign Language Outreach Program come to introduce themselves as they will be with us once a week for the next 10 weeks to teach us Spanish!!

We ended our day with the all-star Show-and-Share experience!!

We are ALL very excited for Fall Festival this weekend and look forward to seeing each other to celebrate the wonderful day in all of our St. Luke School, Church, and Community spirit!!!

**There was a note sent home today to inform you to please allow your child to bring in a picture of themselves as a baby to share with the class and to have posted in the classroom for a time period.  Please put your child's name on the back of the picture!! Thanks :)