Today in math we worked with making AB patterns using our bodies to make rhythmic patterns such as shoulders, knees, shoulders, knees and stomp, clap, stomp, clap!
In religion, we focused on demonstrating a quiet body in order to have a quiet heart to listen and talk to God with. We each chose our favorite quiet place to be still and talk with God!
In language, we explored more compound words as we were each a word and the last word had to be taken out (sit down) so that we were able to determine the first word in the compound word!
In science, we explored the wonderful world of gourds to learn with our senses using our sight and touch. We determined how they were alike/different and then chose two to draw. We then used our scientific tool: the BALANCE to determine which weighed more and less from the two we chose!! We always love investigating and using our hands to learn!
We also had art today!!
Homework: Handwriting 'Tt' and complete Family Circles for our Family Circle Trees and return to school by tomorrow please!!
Blue Wednesday Folders come home today with Fall Festival sign-up times listed for our Kindergarten booth!! THANK YOU in advance for volunteering your time to work our booth and help make it a success!!
Friday, October 4th there will be the Blessing for Animals after Mass in which parents may bring their pets to the church to be blessed. ALL pets must be on a leash/contained and will go back home with the parent after the blessing. If your family does NOT have a pet, your child may bring in a stuffed animal small enough to fit inside their backpack which can be blessed!