Monday, October 28, 2013

Back to school we go!

I hope each of you had an enjoyable and restful long weekend with moments to create special memories!

The kindergartners showed much concern for my hoarse voice today and had to have extra good listening ears to be able to hear and follow directions!!  

We learned the sound and sign language for our new letter 'n,'   and worked on our handwriting formation for the lower case 'n.'  We have been reviewing our previously investigated letters and today we worked on identifying where the 't' sound was heard in words (beginning, middle, or end).  We also worked with new words to include the word 'n' such as nap, pan, and ant!

Tonight, your child has a Reading Practice sheet for homework that includes reading the words we have been working with and sight words.

Today in math we worked with our pennies and penny pockets!!  There is an at home activity that you can keep and use at home with your child to reinforce our penny work!

In religion, we recalled God as our Father and each other as brothers and sisters within our church family.  We discussed the significance of the prayer "Our Father" and practiced praying it together!

In science we are investigating even more into the differences in day and night as we learned about stars and their characteristics!

PLEASE take note of important papers in your child's folder to read over carefully regarding health and wellness!!

Reading with your child every night should be logged on the reading logs!!


Halloween Festival is Thursday, October 31st from 5:30-7:30p.m.  It's a great time to dress up and bring the kids for safe and fun family games and treats to celebrate Halloween!

Please remember to talk with your child about All Saints Day on November 1st, THIS FRIDAY, in which they may dress up for Mass as the Saint they are named after or a Saint that is special and significant to you and your family!! Your child will wear their Saint's costume OVER THEIR SCHOOL UNIFORM as we will be taking the costume dress off after Mass.

Along with All Saints Day, we will be celebrating All Souls Day on FRIDAY in which your child may bring in a picture of a person who has passed with which we would remember specially for All Souls Day. Please put your child's name on the back of the picture.