Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Workful Wednesday!!

Today was a very busy day in Kindergarten!!!

In math we extended our learning with numbering 0-10 and counting forwards and backwards!  In science we are learning how a pumpkin grows and today we learned with Clifford! 

Today we enjoyed making predictions during a picture walk of The Big, BIG Pumpkin and then listening to the story to decide if our predictions were correct or not!

We have been practicing our Test Taking skills required to take a test: trying our best, listening to directions, being quiet, and filling in bubbles to show what we know!  We will continue practicing our Test Taking skills throughout this week to prepare for ITBS testing next week and to reinforce Test Taking skills that we will take with us throughout school!

Today we also enjoyed our time in Art!

Something VERY EXCITING that happened today in our Kindergarten classroom was our installation of the SmartBoard!!! We are waiting patiently for it to be all installed so that we can begin to use it!!!!


Wednesday folders and papers come home today with VERY IMPORTANT papers to be read over carefully and some returned to school including the Sign-Up Time Sheet for Progress Reports!! Please send this back to school tomorrow!!!

Included in the Wednesday papers is an updated Snack Schedule!! Please be prepared to provide snack for our classroom of 18 students during your assigned week!!

PTP Meeting Thursday at 7:00 p.m.

Half-Day of school Friday, October 11th!! There WILL be lunch and ESD!

PLEASE send in your child's baby picture to display in our classroom for a short time!!