As we have been learning about and identifying the differences in day and night, along with the time of day, the weather and dark mornings have created ongoing discussions as we try to better understand what time of day it is and how to differentiate between day and night when observing the weather patterns.
In math today we worked with ordinal positions as we are using the words: first, second, third, fourth.
We have been discussing saints and the saints we are dressing up as to celebrate All Saints Day on Friday! Today we talked about how saints lived and the Golden Rule!
In science, we are working with the different phases of the moon, identifying what a new, full, crescent, and quarter moon look like.
In social studies, as we have been acknowledging the differences in our families and homes, we started work on a foldable to make a demonstration of our own home.
Today we had the special opportunity to view a play/skit put on by Jesuit high schoolers regarding acceptance and standing up for oneself!
Tonight your child has 'Nn' handwriting homework!
Reading with your child every night should be logged on the reading logs!!
Remember: Reading with your child is one of the most precious gifts you can give
PLEASE send back to school the signed permission sheets for the video taping of students learning for the outreach Spanish teachers' lesson!!!
SCHOLASTIC ORDERS are due tomorrow!!! It is very easy to place orders online!
Please make sure you have texted or emailed for
the Remind101!!!
Text: 469-518-3975 the message: @stlukeca
Email: Send an
email to:
Festival is Thursday, October 31st from 5:30-7:30p.m. It's a great time to dress
up and bring the kids for safe and fun family games and treats to celebrate
Please remember to talk with your child about All Saints Day
on November 1st, THIS FRIDAY, in which they may dress up for
Mass as the Saint they are named after or a Saint that is special and
significant to you and your family!! Your child will wear their Saint's costume
OVER THEIR SCHOOL UNIFORM as we will be taking the costume dress off after
Along with All Saints Day, we will be celebrating All Souls Day on
FRIDAY in which your child may bring in a picture of a person who has passed
with which we would remember specially for All Souls Day. Please put your
child's name on the back of the picture.