Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

There is definitely Halloween excitement in the air today!!

After reading a festive book, we did a writing prompt to write and illustrate what costume each of us was going to be!

We are working with our digital and analog clocks to identify different times!

We also worked with our word parts, syllables, to identify how many syllables are in words by clapping for each syllable.

In religion today, we learned more about the saints and the celebrations of All Saints Day and All Souls day that will take place tomorrow!!

In social studies, we learned more from Ty the Turtle about maps and rooms within a building, such as our school!

In science, we expanded our learning of the phases of the moon as we worked with Oreos as a group to make the different phases to include new, crescent, quarter, gibbous, and full!


TONIGHT is the Halloween Festival from 5:30-7:30!!! Come out to enjoy fun games, candy, and Halloween fun!! Hope to see you there!

TOMORROW we have Mass and due to it being a Holy Day of Obligation, we will arrive at Mass early so we will leave our classroom promptly at 7:50 a.m.  Please make sure your child is at school and has used the restroom by 7:45a.m.

TOMORROW is All Saints Day in which your child may dress up for Mass as the Saint they are named after or a Saint that is special and significant to you and your family!! Your child will wear their Saint's costume OVER THEIR SCHOOL UNIFORM as we will be taking the costume dress off after Mass.

PLEASE send back to school the signed permission sheets for the video taping of students learning for the outreach Spanish teachers' lesson!!!

Please make sure you have texted or emailed for the Remind101!!!
Text: 469-518-3975 the message: @stlukeca
Email: Send an email to:

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Hard Working Wednesday!

As we have been learning about and identifying the differences in day and night, along with the time of day, the weather and dark mornings have created ongoing discussions as we try to better understand what time of day it is and how to differentiate between day and night when observing the weather patterns.

In math today we worked with ordinal positions as we are using the words: first, second, third, fourth.

We have been discussing saints and the saints we are dressing up as to celebrate All Saints Day on Friday! Today we talked about how saints lived and the Golden Rule!

In science, we are working with the different phases of the moon, identifying what a new, full, crescent, and quarter moon look like.

In social studies, as we have been acknowledging the differences in our families and homes, we started work on a foldable to make a demonstration of our own home.

Today we had the special opportunity to view a play/skit put on by Jesuit high schoolers regarding acceptance and standing up for oneself!

Tonight your child has 'Nn' handwriting homework!

Reading with your child every night should be logged on the reading logs!! Remember: Reading with your child is one of the most precious gifts you can give them!

PLEASE send back to school the signed permission sheets for the video taping of students learning for the outreach Spanish teachers' lesson!!!

SCHOLASTIC ORDERS are due tomorrow!!! It is very easy to place orders online!

Please make sure you have texted or emailed for the Remind101!!!
Text: 469-518-3975 the message: @stlukeca
Email: Send an email to:

Halloween Festival is Thursday, October 31st from 5:30-7:30p.m. It's a great time to dress up and bring the kids for safe and fun family games and treats to celebrate Halloween!

Please remember to talk with your child about All Saints Day on November 1st, THIS FRIDAY, in which they may dress up for Mass as the Saint they are named after or a Saint that is special and significant to you and your family!! Your child will wear their Saint's costume OVER THEIR SCHOOL UNIFORM as we will be taking the costume dress off after Mass.

Along with All Saints Day, we will be celebrating All Souls Day on FRIDAY in which your child may bring in a picture of a person who has passed with which we would remember specially for All Souls Day. Please put your child's name on the back of the picture.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Windy Tuesday!

Today we began work with telling time using digital and analog clocks, focused on the formation of writing the uppercase 'n' and new words that we can make using the letters we've investiagated thus far,  introduced Ty the Turtle to our kindergarten class as he joined us to help us learn in Social Studies to use maps to discuss the different places we can go and visit within our community, and learned about specific saints as we prepare to celebrate All Saints Day!!

Our hard work and efforts in trying to grow a pumpkin have paid off as we observed a sprout growing today!!! We have been observing our pumpkin ever since we planted it and have been watering it, waiting for a sprout to pop up and it finally did!!  We are now anxious to see if a pumpkin vine and blossom will form!

Tonight your child has their first and last name handwriting homework!! Please discuss with them which name is their first and last name, along with acknowledging uppercase and lowercase letters and their formation on the handwriting papers.

Reading with your child every night should be logged on the reading logs!!  Remember: Reading with your child is one of the most precious gifts you can give them!


Please make sure you have texted or emailed for the Remind101!!!
Text: 469-518-3975 the message: @stlukeca
Email: Send an email to:

Halloween Festival is Thursday, October 31st from 5:30-7:30p.m. It's a great time to dress up and bring the kids for safe and fun family games and treats to celebrate Halloween!

Please remember to talk with your child about All Saints Day on November 1st, THIS FRIDAY, in which they may dress up for Mass as the Saint they are named after or a Saint that is special and significant to you and your family!! Your child will wear their Saint's costume OVER THEIR SCHOOL UNIFORM as we will be taking the costume dress off after Mass.

Along with All Saints Day, we will be celebrating All Souls Day on FRIDAY in which your child may bring in a picture of a person who has passed with which we would remember specially for All Souls Day. Please put your child's name on the back of the picture.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Back to school we go!

I hope each of you had an enjoyable and restful long weekend with moments to create special memories!

The kindergartners showed much concern for my hoarse voice today and had to have extra good listening ears to be able to hear and follow directions!!  

We learned the sound and sign language for our new letter 'n,'   and worked on our handwriting formation for the lower case 'n.'  We have been reviewing our previously investigated letters and today we worked on identifying where the 't' sound was heard in words (beginning, middle, or end).  We also worked with new words to include the word 'n' such as nap, pan, and ant!

Tonight, your child has a Reading Practice sheet for homework that includes reading the words we have been working with and sight words.

Today in math we worked with our pennies and penny pockets!!  There is an at home activity that you can keep and use at home with your child to reinforce our penny work!

In religion, we recalled God as our Father and each other as brothers and sisters within our church family.  We discussed the significance of the prayer "Our Father" and practiced praying it together!

In science we are investigating even more into the differences in day and night as we learned about stars and their characteristics!

PLEASE take note of important papers in your child's folder to read over carefully regarding health and wellness!!

Reading with your child every night should be logged on the reading logs!!


Halloween Festival is Thursday, October 31st from 5:30-7:30p.m.  It's a great time to dress up and bring the kids for safe and fun family games and treats to celebrate Halloween!

Please remember to talk with your child about All Saints Day on November 1st, THIS FRIDAY, in which they may dress up for Mass as the Saint they are named after or a Saint that is special and significant to you and your family!! Your child will wear their Saint's costume OVER THEIR SCHOOL UNIFORM as we will be taking the costume dress off after Mass.

Along with All Saints Day, we will be celebrating All Souls Day on FRIDAY in which your child may bring in a picture of a person who has passed with which we would remember specially for All Souls Day. Please put your child's name on the back of the picture.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Busy day!

Today we had a very busy day as we had our school pictures, visited the library to get new books, did matrix work in math, worked with new words for our Word Worm to include tag, gap, hat, lap, and pal, discovered new sight words to include the, a, and at, practiced being nocturnal animals such as bats to sort pictures into day and night on our NOW UP AND RUNNING SMARTBOARD, learned about animals in Spanish, and had Art!! We also got to celebrate how hard work during testing last week with popcorn from Mrs. Carruth!!! THANK YOU Mrs. Carruth for helping us celebrate doing a great job on our testing!

Parents: There are A LOT of germs going around and sickness (stomach, fever, cough, and even strep) is spreading fast.  We are doing our best to clean our room and our hands as often as possible, but germs are inevitably everywhere.  Please be aware of your child's health and how they are feeling so that we can do all that we can to avoid the germs and stay healthy!


TOMORROW, Thursday, is Parent Teacher Conferences!! Please be on time as the appointments are limited in their time!!

There is NO school Thursday and Friday this week! Have a restful, wonderful long weekend!

Please remember to talk with your child about All Saints Day on November 1st in which they may dress up for Mass as the Saint they are named after or a Saint that is special and significant to you and your family!! Your child will wear their Saint's costume OVER THEIR SCHOOL UNIFORM as we will be taking the costume dress off after Mass.

Along with All Saints Day, we will be celebrating All Souls Day in which your child may bring in a picture of a person who has passed with which we would remember specially for All Souls Day. Please put your child's name on the back of the picture.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Terrific Tuesday!

Today was very busy day working with the vowel 'a,'  pennies and number cards, identifying, drawing, and measuring our body parts to discuss their functions and how we've grown since we were babies, going to P.E., demonstrating caring and loving acts as a family does just as the Holy Family did, and working in our math and literacy centers!!

Your child has 'Aa' handwriting homework tonight!!

Also, please be filling out your reading log each night!

TOMORROW: Is picture day!!! Your child may be out of uniform and dressed for pictures, but they must be wearing tennis shoes!!!

Thursday is Parent Teacher Conferences and the reminder note regarding your scheduled time was sent home today!!

There is NO school Thursday and Friday this week!

Please remember to talk with your child about All Saints Day on November 1st in which they may dress up for Mass as the Saint they are named after or a Saint that is special and significant to you and your family!!  Your child will wear their Saint's costume OVER THEIR SCHOOL UNIFORM as we will be taking the costume dress off after Mass.

Along with All Saints Day, we will be celebrating All Souls Day in which your child may bring in a picture of a person who has passed with which we would remember specially for All Souls Day.  Please put your child's name on the back of the picture.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Routine Monday!!

We are back to our normal routine in Kindergarten this week and we were all very glad to have our visual schedule back!

We were very excited that we are learning about another vowel, 'a,' with our password being 'apple!'

In math, we are beginning our work with coins as we started working with pennies today!! Please note your child's math paper and do the activity at the bottom of the page!!

In science, we are comparing and contrasting day and night!

In religion this week, we are learning how we are part of our families and our church family with the Holy family as our role model to love and care for one another!

Your child received a new reading log today, please make sure you are reading with your child for at least 15 minutes each night and logging their activity!


Parent Teacher Conferences are this THURSDAY, October 24th!! PLEASE take note of your scheduled time!!

There is NO school Thursday and Friday this week for the students!

Please remember to talk with your child about All Saints Day on November 1st in which they may dress up for Mass as the Saint they are named after or a Saint that is special and significant to you and your family!!

Friday, October 18, 2013

Proud Kindergartners!!!

We have worked so hard all week long and can successfully say we are finished with ITBS testing this week!!!

I could not be more proud of the effort shown by the students and the wonderful job they have done this week! 

I also couldn't be more proud of them for the loving classroom community that they have worked so hard to create in our classroom on a daily basis!! They are truly shining Jesus' light and love as they learn and work together!

Today we had an excellent time decorating our own cupcakes with blue frosting and blue and yellow sprinkles all by ourselves for the Feast of St. Luke!! We then enjoyed eating them amongst each other and sharing in such a special time!

We are still observing our pumpkin for any changes and signs of growth as we are watering and caring for it daily!!

Our Spanish teachers came today to teach us Spanish through games and activities!

We also had Music today in which we are working on learning our Christmas song for the Christmas pageant!  I will be sending home the lyrics and website for the recording sound of the song next week for you to practice at home with your child to prepare them for the pageant and for you to have the opportunity to take part in their learning process of such a wonderful event!

Please make sure you are reading with your child every night in order to record your reading stories and times on our reading logs!! The students are so excited to come in each day to share the stories they have at home!!

I hope you each have a wonderful and enjoyable weekend!!!

Special Reminders:

Each day is a new day for a miracle to be witnessed!

The light that shines from within a child is the true light of Christ!!

Embrace every moment--for every moment was given especially to you from God to see his beauty in everyone, everything, every where!!!

Please remember to talk with your child about All Saints Day on November 1st in which they may dress up for Mass as the Saint they are named after or a Saint that is special and significant to you and your family!!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Sunshine Thursday!!!!

Oh what a joy to see the sun shining bright and a beautiful day for the students to have time to enjoy the outdoor weather during another testing day!!!

We have been working hard in our literacy and math centers this week as we have been reviewing and extending our learning through hands-on activities!!

Today we used our last and 5th sense to investigate the pumpkin as we tasted the pumpkin seeds!! We finished our descriptions and illustrations of the inside and outside of a pumpkin!!

Nothing has sprouted yet from our experimentation growing of pumpkin seeds inside our class pumpkin!! It is currently soaking up the sun and we are hopeful to see sprouts soon!!


Tomorrow we have MASS at 8:00a.m.  Please make sure your child is at school at 7:45a.m. and has used the restroom just before coming to school so that we are ready to go to Mass on time!!

Tomorrow is our last day of ITBS testing, please send in 1 healthy snack for your child to have during testing!!

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Oh happy day!!

We see the sunlight again after the refreshing rain!!!

On this Wednesday, we worked hard again to do our best on our ITBS Testing!!

We also had Art today!

Ask your child about our 5 senses dig into the inside of our pumpkin and how we are experimenting to grow pumpkins from the seeds!!

Also, ask your child what Saint we visited today in the church whose feast we will celebrate Friday!!  (**hint: The Saint our church and school community are named after!)


Wednesday Blue Folders are sent home today!! PLEASE READ all of the information provided on the bulletins and papers!! 

PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCE Schedule times were sent home today!! PLEASE make note of your time that you are scheduled for!

SCHOOL PICTURE FORMS were sent home today, please return back to school filled out!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Rainy Rainy Tuesday!

Another rainy day today, but we did get a chance to get outside in-between the rain for Team Relay Races after our hard work on ITBS Testing!!

To prepare for the feast of St. Luke on Friday, we are learning all about him and his wonderous works as a Saint and follower of Jesus this week!

Today we did more work with our pumpkin in our classroom to predict whether it would sink or float, experimenting, and then concluding that the pumpkin did FLOAT, but it turned upside down!! We also measured the height of our pumpkin using linking cubes after predicting how many linking cubes tall it would be.  It measured 17 linking cubes tall!!


TONIGHT is the Appreciation Dinner for Fall Festival at 6:00p.m. in the Parish Hall!!! Hope to see you there!!!

Please send in 1 healthy snack with your child each day this week for ITBS Testing!!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Rainy Monday!!

The kindergartners did WONDERFUL on their first day of ITBS testing!!! We worked very hard and remembered our number 1 rule: TRY OUR BEST!

Your child is bringing home their Reading Log which we will use each week!  Please read to your child for at least 15 minutes each night, record the books you read, choose a book to circle for your child to identify if they liked it or not, and then record the number of minutes you read with your initial!!  They will bring their log back to school each day!


Please send in 1 healthy snack with your child each day this week for them to have during testing!!

Fall Festival Volunteer Appreciation Dinner is tomorrow at 6:00 p.m.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

ITBS Testing!

ITBS Testing will begin next week, Monday, October 14th and will take place each day of the week in the morning through Friday, October 18th.  It is VERY IMPORTANT that your child is well-rested, has eaten a healthy breakfast before coming to school, and arrives at school on time at 7:45 a.m.

PLEASE send in ONE healthy snack each day next week with your child to have during the test break.  This could include fruits, vegetables, cheese and crackers, granola, etc.  This will ensure that your child is ready to show what they know during the test in the most comfortable environment as they are well-rested and have good energy from the food they have eaten!  THANK YOU!

Another Day in the Life of a Kindergartner!

Yet another busy learning day in Kindergarten!! We began our day with computers, followed by working with our number cards 0-10 to play math Bingo!

 To extend our learning with nursery rhymes and verses, along with rhyming words, we worked with the Five Little Pumpkins verse with actions!

We recalled the lifecycle of a pumpkin and how it grows to make a pop-up Lifecycle of  a Pumpkin sequence card!

We did a practice version of the ITBS testing that will take place next week to prepare ourselves!  We are working hard on remembering that the number 1 rule is to "TRY OUR BEST!"


TONIGHT: PTP Meeting at 7:00p.m. in the Parish Hall!!

TOMORROW: HALF-DAY of school!! There will be lunch served and ESD!

TOMORROW: We have Mass at 8:00a.m. so please make sure your child is at school and has already used the restroom by 7:45a.m.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Workful Wednesday!!

Today was a very busy day in Kindergarten!!!

In math we extended our learning with numbering 0-10 and counting forwards and backwards!  In science we are learning how a pumpkin grows and today we learned with Clifford! 

Today we enjoyed making predictions during a picture walk of The Big, BIG Pumpkin and then listening to the story to decide if our predictions were correct or not!

We have been practicing our Test Taking skills required to take a test: trying our best, listening to directions, being quiet, and filling in bubbles to show what we know!  We will continue practicing our Test Taking skills throughout this week to prepare for ITBS testing next week and to reinforce Test Taking skills that we will take with us throughout school!

Today we also enjoyed our time in Art!

Something VERY EXCITING that happened today in our Kindergarten classroom was our installation of the SmartBoard!!! We are waiting patiently for it to be all installed so that we can begin to use it!!!!


Wednesday folders and papers come home today with VERY IMPORTANT papers to be read over carefully and some returned to school including the Sign-Up Time Sheet for Progress Reports!! Please send this back to school tomorrow!!!

Included in the Wednesday papers is an updated Snack Schedule!! Please be prepared to provide snack for our classroom of 18 students during your assigned week!!

PTP Meeting Thursday at 7:00 p.m.

Half-Day of school Friday, October 11th!! There WILL be lunch and ESD!

PLEASE send in your child's baby picture to display in our classroom for a short time!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Beautiful Tuesday!

The beautiful weather allowed us to have extra time outside today during P.E. which we loved!!

Our new letter this week is 'p' and "pig" is our password!  We are working with new word worm words to include: pop, hop, and top!  Today we learned how to unblend consonant sounds using the 'gl' and 'pl' consonant blends.

In math, we are working with how to identify different sized and colored shapes along with using our mathematical terms first, second, third, and fourth correctly!

In science, we are working with a real pumpkin (bigger than the small pumpkins we have in our science center) as we make observations, predictions, experiment, and record our findings!

We are recognizing how each of us has grown and are capable of different activities from when we were a baby to our present time in kindergarten!  We are realizing that we each change and grow in different ways!


PTP Meeting Thursday at 7:00 p.m.

Half-Day of school Friday, October 11th!! There WILL be lunch and ESD!

PLEASE send in your child's baby picture to display in our classroom for a short time by tomorrow, WEDNESDAY!! Thank you!!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Fabulous Friday!!!

What a fun-filled fabulous day in Kindergarten!! We began our day with Mass followed by the Blessing of the Animals (both alive and our stuffed animals)!  Our special class today was music!!

In our SecondStep guidance program today, we learned about being assertive when asking for help, but first trying ourselves, asking a friend, and then asking an adult for assistance!! Along with this, we discussed the respectful way to ask for help!

Today in math we worked with ordering numbers 1-10 using our number cards and identifying the missing number which was removed by our partners! 

We reviewed our learning of the letters we have so far investigated thoroughly and had a spelling test using shaving cream to include our Word Worm Words: log, hog, hot, lot, got, and tot!

We then read a train track poem and identified many consonant blends!!  We then made a Train Track snack to include our shapes of circles, rectangles, and squares!
The train slowly went down the track slickity slack.

The train shook down the track, shickity shack.

The train traveled down the track, trickity track.

The train chugged down the track,chickity chack.

The train plowed down the track, plicity plack.

The train creaked down the track, crickity crack.

The train whizzed down the track, whickity whack.


We had 2 visiting students from the University of Dallas which are part of the Foreign Language Outreach Program come to introduce themselves as they will be with us once a week for the next 10 weeks to teach us Spanish!!

We ended our day with the all-star Show-and-Share experience!!

We are ALL very excited for Fall Festival this weekend and look forward to seeing each other to celebrate the wonderful day in all of our St. Luke School, Church, and Community spirit!!!

**There was a note sent home today to inform you to please allow your child to bring in a picture of themselves as a baby to share with the class and to have posted in the classroom for a time period.  Please put your child's name on the back of the picture!! Thanks :)

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Thrilling Thursday!!

In light of a thrilling Thursday, today we began learning about consonant blends!!! Blending two consonants together to produce one sound!  We talked about the process of putting two consonant sounds into a blender (such as th, pl, sl, bl, etc.)!  In math we worked with a new manipulative, different sized, colored, shaped, and number of holes on buttons to sort in all different ways determined by the students!!

We are working hard to complete our Family Circle Trees! 

Today we had computer, library, and had the special opportunity to watch the presentation of 'Cinderella' by Windy City Players!! We made predictions of the play beforehand comparing it to the 'Cinderella' story, participated in being a wonderful audience, and then discussed the differences in the play and the movie/book to decide upon our favorite parts!!

Tonight your child is bringing home 't' homework for them and you to decide what kind of 't' activities to participate in!  This is a great learning activity to do alongside your child as they come back to school and are so excited to share their experiences!!


Friday, October 4th there will be the Blessing for Animals after Mass in which parents may bring their pets to the church to be blessed. ALL pets must be on a leash/contained and will go back home with the parent after the blessing. If your family does NOT have a pet, your child may bring in a stuffed animal small enough to fit inside their backpack which can be blessed!

SELL and return those RAFFLE TICKETS for FALL FESTIVAL this weekend!!!!!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Mid-Week Wednesday

Today in math we worked with making AB patterns using our bodies to make rhythmic patterns such as shoulders, knees, shoulders, knees and stomp, clap, stomp, clap!

In religion, we focused on demonstrating a quiet body in order to have a quiet heart to listen and talk to God with.  We each chose our favorite quiet place to be still and talk with God!

In language, we explored more compound words as we were each a word and the last word had to be taken out (sit down) so that we were able to determine the first word in the compound word!

In science, we explored the wonderful world of gourds to learn with our senses using our sight and touch.  We determined how they were alike/different and then chose two to draw.  We then used our scientific tool: the BALANCE to determine which weighed more and less from the two we chose!!  We always love investigating and using our hands to learn!

We also had art today!!

Homework: Handwriting 'Tt' and complete Family Circles for our Family Circle Trees and return to school by tomorrow please!!

Blue Wednesday Folders come home today with Fall Festival sign-up times listed for our Kindergarten booth!! THANK YOU in advance for volunteering your time to work our booth and help make it a success!!

Friday, October 4th there will be the Blessing for Animals after Mass in which parents may bring their pets to the church to be blessed. ALL pets must be on a leash/contained and will go back home with the parent after the blessing. If your family does NOT have a pet, your child may bring in a stuffed animal small enough to fit inside their backpack which can be blessed!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Terrific Tuesday!!

Today was such a terrific day!!  We are all very excited that it is the 1st day of October!

We participated in the Living Rosary and each were able to place a flower in the vase on the alter for Mary!!

In Social Studies we are learning more about the diversity of our families in which your child is coming home with circles cut out for each family member.  Please have your child draw and label the name of each person in their family to return the circles to school for our Family Circle Trees!

There is also a Math lesson that is coming home tonight as homework!!




Friday, October 4th there will be the Blessing for Animals after Mass in which parents may bring their pets to the church to be blessed. ALL pets must be on a leash/contained and will go back home with the parent after the blessing. If your family does NOT have a pet, your child may bring in a stuffed animal small enough to fit inside their backpack which can be blessed.