Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Mid-Week Wednesday!

Please make sure your child is praciting the reading of their line for our kindergarten graduation!!

We have been working hard on having good manners and now it is time to celebrate how far we've come!! This FRIDAY, May 23rd at 2:30p.m. we will have our manners party!! You and your family are invited to come in to share in a special time (must be Safe Environment Trained) as we share in a small Manners Celebration together!!

NO SCHOOL Monday, May 26th in observance of Memorial Day!

Wednesday, May 28th is the KINDERGARTEN GRADUATION!!! Please have your child dressed in Sunday best (boys: pants and button down shirt; girls: dress or skirt/blouse).  Please have your child ready in the classroom no later than 9:45 a.m. as the graduation will start at 10:00a.m. in the Parish Hall!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Today is Tuesday!

Tonight we have 'Make a Sentence' homework! 

We also have our reading of a line to practice for our Kindergarten Graduation!!  Please make sure your child is practicing their line each night until graduation!!

We have been working hard on having good manners and now it is time to celebrate how far we've come!! This FRIDAY, May 23rd at 2:30p.m. we will have our manners party!! You and your family are invited to come in to share in a special time (must be Safe Environment Trained) as we share in a small Manners Celebration together!!

NO SCHOOL Monday, May 26th in observance of Memorial Day!

Wednesday, May 28th is the KINDERGARTEN GRADUATION!!! Please have your child dressed in Sunday best (boys: pants and button down shirt; girls: dress or skirt/blouse).  Please have your child ready in the classroom no later than 9:45 a.m. as the graduation will start at 10:00a.m. in the Parish Hall!!!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Last Monday of Kindergarten!

We can't believe it's already the last Monday of our Kindergarten year!  Oh, how time flies when you're having fun learning!!!!

This week we will still be working hard on:
-the digraph 'oo'
-identifying equal halves and parts of a whole and measuring in math
-our best writing
-manipulating and investigating sounds and magnets in science
-identifying and celebrating the Holy Spirit and the joy that is ever present from the Lord and His presence!
-preparing for graduation which is next TUESDAY at 10:00a.m.

We have been working hard on having good manners and now it is time to celebrate how far we've come!! This FRIDAY, May 23rd at 2:30p.m. we will have our manners party!! You and your family are invited to come in to share in a special time (must be Safe Environment Trained) as we share in a small Manners Celebration together!!

NO SCHOOL Monday, May 26th in observance of Memorial Day!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Fantastic Friday!!

Today the kindergarten class did a super job at Mass!!

Today the Irving Public Library came to share with us information about the Summer Reading Challenge and we couldn't be more excited that it begins on June 7th!!!  We also enjoyed listening to and watching a puppet show!

Tomorrow, Saturday May 17th is the 2nd grade class First Communion!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Cool Down Tuesday!

The cool down is definitely refreshing and geared us into a wonderful working and learning mode today!!

Today we focused on problem solving stories in math and dictating story problems, identifying words for sentences that make sense, practicing for Mass, reading, and identifying push/pull forces that move objects!

Tonight, your child has Pictures and Words homework! Have them view the pictures and identify how they're different, followed by having them read the words to identify which words go with each picture!!

Do you know a family who is searching for a respectable and honorable school to send their child(ren) to?!  If you refer a family and they choose St. Luke School to become their own and register their children, you and your family will be exempt from required volunteer hours next year (with the exception of helping for our most fabulous Fall Festival which is always a fun-filled time)!!!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Marvelous Monday!!!

I hope all of the Mothers had a most blessed and beautiful Mother's Day filled with love and joy!!!

This week in kindergarten we will be working with:
-the digraph 'th'
-reading fluency and sentence structure
-recalling all aspects and parts of the Mass as we prepare for Mass on Friday
-measuring and comparing lengths, heights, money amounts, and some, some went away problem stories in math
-volunteering and helping others
-moving objects and forces

Do you know a family who is searching for a respectable and honorable school to send their child(ren) to?!  If you refer a family and they choose St. Luke School to become their own and register their children, you and your family will be exempt from required volunteer hours next year (with the exception of helping for our most fabulous Fall Festival which is always a fun-filled time)!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Rainy Thursday!

Today we had the opoportunity to visit the 3rd grade President and First Lady Wax Museum!!! It was a wonderful experience!!

We worked with symmetry in math and identifying all of the Mass parts in religion!! In social studies, we studied the purpose of a map key!!

TONIGHT is our PTP Meeting and the 3rd grade Wax Presentation of their Presidents at 6:30p.m.

TOMORROW: Friday, May 9th is our Walk-a-Thon at 9:00a.m.  Lunch will be served as normal!!  The PERMISSION SLIP had already been sent home, but another PERMISSION SLIP was sent home today that must be SIGNED and RETURNED by TOMORROW in order for your child to participate in the Walk-a-Thon!!!!

Do you know a family who is searching for a respectable and honorable school to send their child(ren) to?!  If you refer a family and they choose St. Luke School to become their own and register their children, you and your family will be exempt from required volunteer hours next year!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Cloudy Wednesday!

Today we had a very busy day as we worked more with drawing out story problems to use subtraction in math, practiced our reading skills with our 4th grade buddies, worked with our digraph 'sh,' worked our hardest on showing what we know for testing, and going to art!

Tonight we have 'Make a Sentence' homework.  It is encouraged that work alongside your child as they read the words to cut and paste to make a sentence while acnknowledging capitolization, punctuation, and sentence structure.  Try out mixing up the words to see if the sentence would make sense!!

Tomorrow is our PTP Meeting and the 3rd grade Wax Presentation of their Presidents at 6:30p.m.

Friday, May 9th is our Walk-a-Thon at 9:00a.m.  Lunch will be served as normal!!

Do you know a family who is searching for a respectable and honorable school to send their child(ren) to?!  If you refer a family and they choose St. Luke School to become their own and register their children, you and your family will be exempt from required volunteer hours next year!!!

Monday, May 5, 2014

Monday, May 5th!

I hope you each had a wonderful and blessed weekend!!

This week in kindergarten we will be:
-working with the digraph 'sh' and practicing our reading skills
-differentiating and identifying realism vs. fantasy and nonfiction vs. fiction
-identifying properties of items to include: clay and the 3 forms of water: solid, liquid, gas
-identifying different places of work to make a map to interpret a map key
-working with symmetry, problem solving stories, and measuring length in math
-recognizing the Mass as a way to celebrate and give thanks to God to identify different parts of the Mass and the special items used within the Mass


Thursday, May 8th is PTP Meeting!

Friday, May 9th is Walk-a-thon!!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Field Day!

Today was just an absolutely perfect day for Field Day!!! We loved every minute of it and definitely used our teamwork skills with our friends!!  Thank you to the 7th grade for all of their hardwork and help to make field day possible, and thanks to the parents who helped as well!


SUNDAY is ALL SCHOOL MASS at 11:00a.m. and food sales following!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Mary's May Crowning!

Today we had the beautiful opportunity to watch and be present for the May Crowning of Mary in the church!! We were honored to be there as our Queen and Mother was crowned and graced with beautiful flowers!

We also had the wonderful chance to attend Mass as the Scalabrini fathers are here!  We hope they felt more than welcomed from all of our St. Luke students!

TOMORROW Friday, May 2nd is FIELD DAY!!! Students are allowed to come to school in shorts (must be longer than finger length) and a St. Luke t-shirt.  Please bring a change of clothes (tennis shoes, socks, shorts, St. Luke t-shirt, underwear) and a towel as we will have water activities!!  It will be after the 8am Mass.  The first event is the 8th graders vs. faculty volleyball in the gym!! Come and see the fun :)

This Sunday, May 4th is ALL SCHOOL MASS at 11:00 a.m.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Last Day of April!!!

I'm so happy to be back and was more than thankful for the warm wishes of being Mrs. McEwen now!!!

Tomorrow is May 1st which means it is the beginning of the month of Mary!!  We will have the May crowning at 9:00 a.m. followed by going to Mass at 12:00p.m.

Friday, May 2nd is FIELD DAY!!! Students are allowed to come to school in shorts (must be longer than finger length) and a St. Luke t-shirt.  Please bring a change of clothes (tennis shoes, socks, shorts, St. Luke t-shirt, underwear) and a towel as we will have water activities!!  It will be after the 8am Mass.  The first event is the 8th graders vs. faculty volleyball in the gym!! Come and see the fun :)

This Sunday, May 4th is ALL SCHOOL MASS at 11:00 a.m.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wonderful Wednesday!!

We have been working very hard on sequencing and retelling events/stories to include every day activities and stories we've read--we've been doing a great!

Wednesday Blue Folders come home today and PROGRESS REPORTS!!! Please SIGN and RETURN your child's progress report by TOMORROW!! Thank you!


THURSDAY, April 24th: Spring Concert
Spring Concert this Thursday, April 24 concert is at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall.
Please have your child at school at 6:10 p.m. (place of drop off TBA)
*Dress for the concert is school dress uniform.

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Earth Day!!

Today we had a wonderful day celebrating Earth Day and learning all about different ways to take care of our Earth to include recycling and picking up litter!! We went on a nature scavenger hunt with our 4th grade buddies and simply had a terrific learning experience as we explored God's wonderful creations!

In math we identified the properties of a cone to compare and contrast it to other 3D objects such as the cube and sphere!

For our science project in honor of Earth Day, we repurposed a recycled item and made a seed starter using a water bottle!


THURSDAY, April 24th: Spring Concert
Spring Concert this Thursday, April 24 concert is at 6:30 pm in the Parish Hall.
Please have your child at school at 6:10 p.m. (place of drop off TBA)
*Dress for the concert is school dress uniform.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday After Easter!!!

I hope each of you and your families had a most beautiful and blessed Happy Easter!! I hope the joy and light that was present during Easter remains bright in your life!!!

This week in kindergarten we will be working with:

-the digraph 'ck' (for example: duck)
-making and interpreting graphs and charts in math
-identifying different properties between different materials such as metal and wood
-identifying and learning about different community helpers, different jobs, and their purposes
-praising Jesus as our Light and learning of ways to spread His light!


Thursday, April 24th: Spring Concert

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wednesday of Holy Week!!

We had a fabulous last day of school before we begin the Holy Triduum leading up to Easter!!

We worked with sorting and graphing jelly beans in math, listening to and retelling the story of Easter using jelly beans, worked with CDC (consonant, vowel, consonant) words and long vowels, and learning about different points of view when it comes to making choices!

I hope you each have a blessed Easter holiday spent in reverence of Jesus Christ our Lord who gave us new life as He was resurrected!  May the Lord's peace and joy be with you in the most beautiful way this Easter weekend!


April 17th and 18th: NO SCHOOL for Holy Thursday and Good Friday

April 21st and 22nd we ARE IN SCHOOL!
April 24th: Spring Concert

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Tuesday of Holy Week!

Today we had a wonderful day as we are getting closer to Easter!!


Please never forget the importance of reading with (listening to, reading to, and reading alongside) your child!!!! It is the best time spent and gift you can give to your child to assist them in growing!!


April 17th and 18th: NO SCHOOL for Holy Thursday and Good Friday

April 21st and 22nd we ARE IN SCHOOL!
April 24th: Spring Concert

Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday of Holy Week!!

I hope you each had a blessed Palm Sunday!!  Happy Holy Week!!

This week we will be working with:

-long vowels
-graphing, sorting, and problem solving in math
-preparing for Easter and the Holy Triduum
-reflecting on 'Growing in God's Love' for Lent
-reviewing on changes of lifecycles in science
-comparing differing points of view of different people based on choices for needs/wants in social studies


April 17th and 18th: NO SCHOOL for Holy Thursday and Good Friday

April 21st and 22nd we ARE IN SCHOOL!
April 24th: Spring Concert

Friday, April 11, 2014

Fabulous Friday!!

The kindergarten class did a superb job at Mass today!! I couldn't be more proud!!

Today we began a new unit in our SecondStep Guidance program to work on Problem-Solving skills!!

We have also been working on guessing/checking and using estimations to solve problems in math and science!

TONIGHT at 7:00 p.m. is our Living Stations of the Cross!!!  Please have your child in our class at 6:45 p.m. to dress in costume at which time parents are asked to go to the church to get a seat!!


April 11th: Living Stations of the Cross at 7:00 p.m.

April 17th and 18th: NO SCHOOL for Holy Thursday and Good Friday

April 21st and 22nd we ARE IN SCHOOL!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Oh Just a Beautiful Day!!

Today we had the unique opportunity to go on a virtual field trip to an Egg Farm!!

We have also been working with the story The Easter Egg by Jan Brett and working on exhibiting selfless acts just as Hoppi does in the story!!

TOMORROW the kindergarten will be doing Mass!! This means we will have readers for the petitions and some students will be carrying up the gifts!!  We will leave our classroom at 7:45a.m. to be ready in the church so please make sure your child is at school on time!!

This Friday is also our Living Stations of the Cross!! This will take place at 2:30 p.m. in costume, and also at 7:00 p.m. when your child is to come back to the school and be in our class at 6:45 p.m. at which time parents are asked to go to the church to get a seat!!


April 11th: Living Stations of the Cross at 2:30 and 7:00 p.m.

April 17th and 18th: NO SCHOOL for Holy Thursday and Good Friday

April 21st and 22nd we ARE IN SCHOOL!

April 24th: Spring Concert!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wondrous Wednesday!

Tonight we have a 'some, some more' story problem to act out for math and a Sound-to-Symbol 'qu' worksheet!!

This week, on Friday, the kindergarten will be doing Mass!! This means we will have readers for the petitions and some students will be carrying up the gifts!!

This Friday is also our Living Stations of the Cross!! This will take place at 2:30 p.m. in costume, and also at 7:00 p.m. when your child is to come back to the school and be in our class at 6:45 p.m. at which time parents are asked to go to the church to get a seat!!


April 11th: Living Stations of the Cross at 2:30 and 7:00 p.m.

April 17th and 18th: NO SCHOOL for Holy Thursday and Good Friday

April 21st and 22nd we ARE IN SCHOOL!

April 24th: Spring Concert!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Sunshiny Day!

We loved having the sunshine back!!!

Today we continued our work with the letter 'q' and identifying its sound as 'qu,' played vowel bingo, practiced our readings and roles for Mass on Friday, worked with dominoes in math, and differentiated between properties of paper and cloth and how they can be changed!

This week, on Friday, the kindergarten will be doing Mass!! This means we will have readers for the petitions and some students will be carrying up the gifts!!

This Friday is also our Living Stations of the Cross!! This will take place at 2:30 p.m. in costume, and also at 7:00 p.m. when your child is to come back to the school and be in our class at 6:45 p.m. at which time parents are asked to go to the church to get a seat!!


April 11th: Living Stations of the Cross at 2:30 and 7:00 p.m.

April 17th and 18th: NO SCHOOL for Holy Thursday and Good Friday

April 21st and 22nd we ARE IN SCHOOL!

April 24th: Spring Concert!

Monday, April 7, 2014

Last Letter of the Week!

This week we are learning about and working with 'Qq!'  It is the last letter of the alphabet for us to learn about!!!

We are also working with dominoes as a new math manipulative for addition!!  In math, we will also be working with the capacity of containers to order for smallest to largest!!

In science we are working with differentiating between paper and cloth items and identifying their characteristics!!

In social studies, we are reviewing the differences between our needs and wants!

This week, on Friday, the kindergarten will be doing Mass!! This means we will have readers for the petitions and some students will be carrying up the gifts!!

This Friday is also our Living Stations of the Cross!! This will take place at 2:30 p.m. in costume, and also at 7:00 p.m. when your child is to come back to the school and be in our class at 6:45 p.m. at which time parents are asked to go to the church to get a seat!!


April 11th: Living Stations of the Cross at 2:30 and 7:00 p.m.

April 17th and 18th: NO SCHOOL for Holy Thursday and Good Friday

April 21st and 22nd we ARE IN SCHOOL!

April 24th: Spring Concert!

Friday, April 4, 2014

St. Jude Trike-A-Thon!

Today we had our St. Jude's Trike-A-Thon and it was a huge success!!! It was a beautiful day for it and we loved every minute of it! A huge THANK YOU goes out to all of the parents who helped make it a huge success!! Also, thank you for all of the donations and money we raised for St. Jude's!!!  It was truly an amazing experience all around as we learned about bicycle safety, raised money to help others, and were able to enjoy such a fun activity as riding our trikes as a class together!

I hope you each have a fantastic weekend!! REMEMBER: ALL SCHOOL MASS on Sunday at 11:00a.m.

TONIGHT: Movie night!!!


April 4th: MOVIE NIGHT is tonight!!!

April 6th: ALL SCHOOL MASS! Come to Mass at 11:00a.m. in school uniform! Food Sales after Mass!

April 11th: Living Stations of the Cross at 2:30 and 7:00 p.m.

April 17th and 18th: NO SCHOOL for Holy Thursday and Good Friday

April 21st and 22nd we ARE IN SCHOOL!

April 24th: Spring Concert!

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Spring Sprinkles

We were so hopeful for the rain today, but thankful for the couple of spring sprinkles we got!!

We have been working so hard on identifying and making a representation of plant parts and their needs!

If you have not sent in your child's permission slip for the St. Jude Trike A-Thon, please do so by TOMORROW!!!! Also, your child MUST bring their  HELMET to school tomorrow Friday, April 4th for out St. Jude Trike A-thon if they bring their bicycle!!!  Bikes are parked out by the playground fence.  Please label your child's bike and helmet with their names!  Children can wear JEANS, ST. LUKE SHIRT, AND TENNIS SHOES!!!  You can pick up your child's bike after 11:00a.m. if you desire to! Parents are needed to be at the school Friday morning to assist in the Trike A-Thon! Please let the office know if you are able and willing to be present!

TOMORROW, Friday, April 4th is Movie Night!!! Bring pillows, blankets, and lawn chairs to enjoy a movie together in the gym!!  Concession stand opens at 6pm with CHEESE PIZZA, FRIES, NACHOS, and more!!  The movie begins at 7pm! ADMISSION: 1 canned/boxed food item per child!  These donations of goods is donated to St. Luke's Food Bank!!


April 4th: St. Jude Trike A-Thon AND MOVIE NIGHT!!!

April 6th: ALL SCHOOL MASS! Come to Mass at 11:00a.m. in school uniform! Food Sales after Mass!

April 11th: Living Stations of the Cross at 2:30 and 7:00 p.m.

April 17th and 18th: NO SCHOOL for Holy Thursday and Good Friday

April 21st and 22nd we ARE IN SCHOOL!

April 24th: Spring Concert!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Wednesday Wonders!

Tonight we have 'Ww' Sound-to-Symbol homework!!

If you have not sent in your child's permission slip for the St. Jude Trike A-Thon, please do so by TOMORROW!!!!This Friday, April 4th is our St. Jude Trike A-thon!!! Please fill out the permission form that was sent home and raise money to help St. Jude's!  Parents are needed to be at the school Friday morning to assist in the Trike A-Thon! Please let the office know if you are able and willing to be present!

This Friday, April 4th is Movie Night!!! Bring pillows, blankets, and lawn chairs to enjoy a movie together in the gym!!  Concession stand opens at 6pm with CHEESE PIZZA, FRIES, NACHOS, and more!!  The movie begins at 7pm! ADMISSION: 1 canned/boxed food item per child!  These donations of goods is donated to St. Luke's Food Bank!!


April 4th: St. Jude Trike A-Thon AND MOVIE NIGHT!!!

April 6th: ALL SCHOOL MASS! Come to Mass at 11:00a.m. in school uniform! Food Sales after Mass!

April 11th: Living Stations of the Cross at 2:30 and 7:00 p.m.

April 17th and 18th: NO SCHOOL for Holy Thursday and Good Friday

April 21st and 22nd we ARE IN SCHOOL!

April 24th: Spring Concert!

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Happy First Day of April!

Tonight we have 'Ww' handwriting homework!

This Friday, April 4th is our St. Jude Trike A-thon!!! Please fill out the permission form that was sent home and raise money to help St. Jude's!  Parents are needed to be at the school Friday morning to assist in the Trike A-Thon! Please let the office know if you are able and willing to be present!



April 4th: St. Jude Trike A-Thon

April 6th: ALL SCHOOL MASS! Come to Mass at 11:00a.m. in school uniform! Food Sales after Mass!

April 11th: Living Stations of the Cross at 2:30 and 7:00 p.m.

April 17th and 18th: NO SCHOOL for Holy Thursday and Good Friday

April 21st and 22nd we ARE IN SCHOOL!

April 24th: Spring Concert!

Monday, March 31, 2014

Last Monday of March!

Where has the month of March gone?!  So thankful for the beautiful spring weather and all of God's blessings surrounding us during this Lenten season!!

This week in kindergarten we will be working with:
-the consonant 'Ww'
-spheres, tangram shapes, and coins in math
-identifying plant parts in science
-learning about bicycle safety before our St. Jude Trike A-Thon
-practicing having good manners
-being faithful disciples of Jesus and learning about The Story of Easter

This Friday, April 4th is our St. Jude Trike A-thon!!! Please fill out the permission form that was sent home and raise money to help St. Jude's!  Parents are needed to be at the school Friday morning to assist in the Trike A-Thon! Please let the office know if you are able and willing to be present!



April 4th: St. Jude Trike A-Thon

April 6th: ALL SCHOOL MASS! Come to Mass at 11:00a.m. in school uniform! Food Sales after Mass!

April 11th: Living Stations of the Cross at 2:30 and 7:00 p.m.

April 17th and 18th: NO SCHOOL for Holy Thursday and Good Friday

April 21st and 22nd we ARE IN SCHOOL!

April 24th: Spring Concert!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Field Trip to Perot Museum!

This morning after Mass we had the wonderful opportunity to go on our field trip to the Perot Museum!!! We had such an AWESOME LEARNING EXPERIENCE together!!

I hope you have a fantastic weekend and are able to enjoy the beautiful, warm spring weather!!

Note*  We are in need of copy paper for our school! Donations of such are greatly appreciated!  Thank you for all that you do to support our school and students here at St. Luke's!

Friday, April 4th is our St. Jude Trike A-thon!!! Please fill out the permission form that was sent home and raise money to help St. Jude's!  Parents are needed to be at the school Friday morning to assist in the Trike A-Thon! Please let the office know if you are able and willing to be present!

DEADLINE to file for TUITION ASSISTANCE is April 1st!


April 4th: St. Jude Trike A-Thon

April 11th: Living Stations of the Cross at 2:30 and 7:00 p.m.

April 17th and 18th: NO SCHOOL for Holy Thursday and Good Friday

April 21st and 22nd we ARE IN SCHOOL!

April 24th: Spring Concert!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Hard Working Thursday!!

**IMPORTANT NOTE** Some students are saying that their P.E. tennis shoes are too small which is probably true since they are all growing!! If you have other tennis shoes that you would like to send to school in order to bring home the ones that are currently here, please do so!!


TOMORROW, March 28th we will be going on a field trip to the Perot Museum!  EVERY child must bring their own sack lunch with all items disposable!

We will be leaving promptly after Mass on Friday at approximately 8:45a.m. on the bus!

Note*  We are in need of copy paper for our school! Donations of such are greatly appreciated!  Thank you for all that you do to support our school and students here at St. Luke's!

Friday, April 4th is our St. Jude Trike A-thon!!!

DEADLINE to file for TUITION ASSISTANCE is April 1st!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

We Need the Rain!

We were thankful to see some much needed rain today!! We loved seeing the stratus clouds as we are learning about them!

Tonight we have reading sentences to match them with their illustrations for homework!

REPORT CARDS come HOME TODAY for you to look over, sign BOTH the report card and envelope, and RETURN to school by TOMORROW, March 27th!

TOMORROW is SPIRIT DAY in which your child can wear jeans and a St. Luke shirt!

**IMPORTANT NOTE** Some students are saying that their P.E. tennis shoes are too small which is probably true since they are all growing!! If you have other tennis shoes that you would like to send to school in order to bring home the ones that are currently here, please do so!!


This Friday, March 28th we will be going on a field trip to the Perot Museum!  EVERY child must bring their own sack lunch with all items disposable!

We will be leaving promptly after Mass on Friday at approximately 8:45a.m. on the bus!

Note*  We are in need of copy paper for our school! Donations of such are greatly appreciated!  Thank you for all that you do to support our school and students here at St. Luke's!

Friday, April 4th is our St. Jude Trike A-thon!!!

DEADLINE to file for TUITION ASSISTANCE is April 1st!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Tonight we have 'Xx' handwriting homework!

**IMPORTANT NOTE** Some students are saying that their P.E. tennis shoes are too small which is probably true since they are all growing!! If you have other tennis shoes that you would like to send to school in order to bring home the ones that are currently here, please do so!!


This Friday, March 28th we will be going on a field trip to the Perot Museum!  EVERY child must bring their own sack lunch with all items disposable!

We will be leaving promptly after Mass on Friday at approximately 8:45a.m. on the bus!

Note*  We are in need of copy paper for our school! Donations of such are greatly appreciated!  Thank you for all that you do to support our school and students here at St. Luke's!
Friday, April 4th is our St. Jude Trike A-thon!!!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday of the Last Week of March!

This second semester is just flying by!!

During this last week of March we will be:

-working the consonant 'Xx'
-identifying how plants grow from seeds and how we want to resemble that same growth during this season of Lent
-working with the numbers 20-30 and solving word problems in math
-identifying, comparing, and contrasting different types of clouds
-extending our learning with needs and wants and how people work to make money which they can save

**IMPORTANT NOTE** Some students are saying that their P.E. tennis shoes are too small which is probably true since they are all growing!! If you have other tennis shoes that you would like to send to school in order to bring home the ones that are currently here, please do so!!
I hope you each have a wonderful weekend in great company as we admire all of God's most gracious creations!!


This Friday, March 28th we will be going on a field trip to the Perot Museum!  EVERY child must bring their own sack lunch with all items disposable!

We will be leaving promptly after Mass on Friday at approximately 8:45a.m. on the bus!

Note*  We are in need of copy paper for our school! Donations of such are greatly appreciated!  Thank you for all that you do to support our school and students here at St. Luke's!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Fruitful Friday!!

Today we had a beautiful day!! In our SecondStep Guidance program we worked with different scenarios of accidents that might happen and how to calm down, ask what happened, and then the other person apologizing and explaining it was an accident to make sure that they are okay!!

We worked with some difficult tangram designs to manipulate them in order to cover designs!

We also did a spring writing activity that we definitely made bright!!

Today was our first day of attending Stations of the Cross! We are working on being reverent during this most sacred time of Lent as we are growing in God's love!!

**IMPORTANT NOTE** Some students are saying that their P.E. tennis shoes are too small which is probably true since they are all growing!! If you have other tennis shoes that you would like to send to school in order to bring home the ones that are currently here, please do so!!
I hope you each have a wonderful weekend in great company as we admire all of God's most gracious creations!!


March 28th we will be going on a field trip to the Perot Museum!

IMPORTANT: A permission slip for the field trip was sent home early this week!! Please SIGN and RETURN the slip as soon as possible if you have not already done so!!


TONIGHT at 6:00p.m. is dinner followed by the 8th grade play at 7:30p.m.   This is a great way to spend quality time with your own school community family to enjoy the hard work that the 8th graders have put into such a wonderful production!!!

Don't forget to turn in your admission packets for your student's enrollment at St. Luke for next year!!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Happy First Day of Spring!!!

Today is the first day of spring and we couldn't be more excited!!!

Today we had the wonderful opportunity to view the 8th grade production of the play 'The Butler Did It' and it was fabulous!! We truly enjoyed it and applaud the 8th graders for a fantastic job well done and all of their hard work!!

**IMPORTANT NOTE** Some students are saying that their P.E. tennis shoes are too small which is probably true since they are all growing!! If you have other tennis shoes that you would like to send to school in order to bring home the ones that are currently here, please do so!!


March 28th we will be going on a field trip to the Perot Museum!

IMPORTANT: A permission slip for the field trip was sent home early this week!! Please SIGN and RETURN the slip as soon as possible!!


TONIGHT at 7:00p.m. is the 8th grade play and the dinner will be on Friday at 6:00p.m. followed by the play at 7:30p.m.   This is a great way to spend quality time with your own school community family to enjoy the hard work that the 8th graders have put into such a wonderful production!!!

Don't forget to turn in your admission packets for your student's enrollment at St. Luke for next year!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Saint Joseph is Good!

Today we learned about St. Joseph for his feast day and his loving role as a father to Jesus!!

We also worked with measuring the length and width of items in our classroom, listened to a read aloud about a leprachaun and did a leprachaun writing activity, and learned about which syllables have an 'accent' as a word is said aloud!!  Today our special class was art!

Tonight we have 'Jj' handwriting homework!

Thanks to all of our bright, happy, and smiling faces, our class picture turned out AMAZING :) Future class of 2026 is just simply wonderful at St. Luke!!!

**IMPORTANT NOTE** Some students are saying that their P.E. tennis shoes are too small which is probably true since they are all growing!! If you have other tennis shoes that you would like to send to school in order to bring home the ones that are currently here, please do so!!


March 28th we will be going on a field trip to the Perot Museum!

IMPORTANT: A permission slip for the field trip was sent home yesterday!! Please SIGN and RETURN the slip by tomorrow! Thank you!!


Blue Wednesday Folders came home today!! Please make sure to read over the bulletin and all of the information inside!

This Thursday at 7:00p.m. is the 8th grade play and the dinner will be on Friday at 6:00p.m. followed by the play at 7:30p.m.   This is a great way to spend quality time with your own school community family to enjoy the hard work that the 8th graders have put into such a wonderful production!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tremendous Tuesday!

Today we had a terrific day!! We practiced our emergency route for a tornado drill.  We also had P.E. outside today and were able to enjoy the beautiful weather!!

Tonight we have reading cut and paste homework!!  Have your child read the sentences and then view the pictures to paste the sentences to the correct illustration!

**IMPORTANT NOTE** Some students are saying that their P.E. tennis shoes are too small which is probably true since they are all growing!! If you have other tennis shoes that you would like to send to school in order to bring home the ones that are currently here, please do so!!


March 28th we will be going on a field trip to the Perot Museum!

IMPORTANT: A permission slip for the field trip was sent home yesterday!! Please SIGN and RETURN the slip by tomorrow! Thank you!!


This Thursday at 7:00p.m. is the 8th grade play and the dinner will be on Friday at 6:00p.m. followed by the play at 7:30p.m.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

I hope you each had a most beautiful spring break that you were able to spend in wonderful company with friends and family!!!

This week we are:

-learning about St. Patrick and St. Joseph
-working with the letter: 'Jj'
-celebrating and learning about the start of spring!
-identifying and contrasting needs and wants
-working with a new math manipulative: tangrams (triangles, squares, and parallelograms) and making more pictographs!


March 28th we will be going on a field trip to the Perot Museum!

IMPORTANT: A permission slip for the field trip was sent home today!! Please SIGN and RETURN the slip by tomorrow, March 18th! Thank you!!


This Thursday at 7:00p.m. is the 8th grade play and the dinner will be on Friday at 6:00p.m.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Beginning of Spring Break!

Today we had a fabulous half day of school as we began with Mass and then took part in Read Across America as we celebrated Dr. Seuss and all of his wonderful books with our 3rd and 6th grade reading buddies!!

Celebrating Read Across America is an encouraging reminder of how important it is to read to your child!! Every day, the best gift you can give to your child is a love for reading as you read with them by their side!!

This is the start of SPRING BREAK which we are out for the week of March 10-14!!! I hope you each have the most wonderful, restful, peaceful, and love filled break as you enjoy time with those dear to you!  We will see you again on Monday, March 17th for St. Patrick's Day!!!


March 28th we will be going on a field trip to the Perot Museum!! A permission slip will be coming home after spring break!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ash Wednesday!

Today we celebrated Mass for Ash Wednesday to begin our Lentin journey!! 

We visited the library today to get new library books and had art!

Tonight your child has 'Vv' handwriting homework!!


This Friday, March 7th is a HALF DAY of school in which we will dismiss at 12:00 noon.  This is the start of SPRING BREAK which we are out for the week of March 10-14.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

First Tuesday of March!

I hope you each had a restful and warm extra long weekend!!

We are looking forward to our most sacred season of Lent starting on Wednesday!  Today we celebrated Mardi Gras with a Kings' Cake!!

This week in kindergarten we will be:

-preparing for the start of the season of Lent (a time to grow as God's children) as we learn about Ash Wednesday and participate in the Ash Wednesday Mass
-working with the consonant 'Vv'
-in math: working with patterns and ABBC patterns, new math manipulative: tangrams, and identifying left and right
-in science: diving deeper into the study of volcanoes and making our own volcano!
-in social studies: wrapping up our unit on our country and state of Texas as we write welcome letters to the Scalabrinian Fathers


This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday (the start of Lent!) and we will be attending Mass at 8:00 a.m.  Please make sure you are at school at 7:45a.m. and that all girls are wearing their jumpers!!

This Friday, March 7th is a HALF DAY of school in which we will dismiss at 12:00 noon.  This is the start of SPRING BREAK which we are out for the week of March 10-14.

Friday, February 28, 2014

Half-day Friday!!

Today we had such a super day!! We went to Mass, had music and Show-and Share, and learned how to deal with disappointment in our Second Step guidance program!!

I hope you and your families have a beautiful and blessed weekend!!


Next Wednesday is Ash Wednesday (the start of Lent!) and we will be attending Mass at 8:00 a.m.  Please make sure you are at school at 7:45a.m. and that all girls are wearing their jumpers!!

Thursday, February 27, 2014


Today we had a great day celebrating reading with our Accelerated Reading party and our author study of Laura Numeroff circle story celebration!!

In math we worked on solving story problems with pictures and in social studies we learned about the country of India and their symbols to compare and contrast them to our own country's!

TOMORROW: Friday, February 28th is a HALF DAY of school!! We will dismiss at 12:00 noon.  There will be lunch and ESD!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wonderful Wednesday!!!

Ask your child about our tree map we made today in math! 

We were the authors and illustrators of our own circle story today, just like Laura Numeroff!  Tomorrow we will have our Laura Numeroff circle story celebration!!

Tonight we have homework that includes writing about 'Ten Red Hens' and being illustrators for two friends named Ted and Meg in a decodable text!!  I can't wait to read the stories and see the illustrations!!

TOMORROW is the Accelerated Reading party to acknowledge all of the students who have worked hard reading and listening!! Please take note of the note sent home with names of students who are able to have a St. Luke dress down day and will participate in the party!

Wednesday Folders come home today! Please make sure that you look over and read everything inside!!
THIS Friday, February 28th is a HALF DAY of school!  We will have early dismissal at 12:00 noon and there will be lunch and ESD!

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Today is Tuesday!

Today we had a very busy day working hard together!

We are working on identifying the beginning, middle, and ending sounds of words to read and write them--today we played Phonics Bingo to practice this skill!

Ask your child about the 'Before, During, After' scientific drawing we worked on today!

Tonight we have 'Dd' handwriting homework!!


THIS Friday, February 28th is a HALF DAY of school!  We will have early dismissal at 12:00 noon and there will be lunch and ESD!

Monday, February 24, 2014

Magnificent Monday!

A huge THANK YOU goes out to each and every person who helped with our school work day on Saturday to take care of our school and grounds!!  You did such an amazing job and it is truly appreciated!

This week we will be:
-discussing the greatness that is present at a meal, just as during the Last Supper with Jesus and His friends
-learning and working with the letter 'Dd'
-reading our decodable readers
-enjoy having our Laura Numeroff circle story celebration with the class vote choosing to celebrate the same way as the story If You Give a Cat a Cupcake
-investigating different landforms and weathering: erosion
-differentiating between American symbols and our state of Texas symbols
-solving word problems in math and working with decks of playing cards to sort and order

Tonight we have reading practice homework!!


THIS Friday, February 28th is a HALF DAY of school!  We will have early dismissal at 12:00 noon and there will be lunch and ESD!

Friday, February 21, 2014

Fabulous Friday!

Today was a beautiful day!!  In our SecondStep guidance program we learned about identifying and managing anger in a calm manner while demonstrating the Calm-Down steps.  In math we are working on sorting and sharing in equal parts!  We read The Mitten by Jan Brett to compare and contrast it to The Hat as we identified story parts and retold the story with our own mitten and characters!

I hope you have a blessed and restful weekend!!

Parent Work Day is TOMORROW coming Saturday, February 22 starting at 8:00 a.m.!!!!

Friday, February 28th is a HALF DAY of school!  We will have early dismissal at 12:00 noon and there will be lunch and ESD!

Thursday, February 20, 2014

"I want to be a paleontologist when I grow up!"

Today we were fortunate to have the Perot Museum bring in their "Dig for Dinosaurs" activities to our school for us to participate in! We LOVED being paleontologists!

Parent Work Day is this coming Saturday, February 22 starting at 8:00 a.m.!!!!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Today is Wednesday!

Today we had a wonderful day working alongside each other to do partner and group activities!  Our classroom effort has been outstanding!

To prepare for our Visit from Perot Museum tomorrow, we were paleontologists today!! Ask your child what we searched for and discovered as our 'fossils!'

Tonight your child has 'Yy' handwriting homework!!


Blue Wednesday Folders come home today!! PLEASE be sure to READ over the important information inside!!

Parent Work Day is this coming Saturday, February 22 starting at 8:00 a.m.!!!!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Marvels of Tuesday!

I hope you each had a fantastic long weekend and extra day off in observance of President's Day with the more than gorgeous warm weather!!

This week we will be working with and learning about:
-viewing the Church as God's family and identifying all of the symbols within the Church and their meanings
-the letter 'Yy'
-civil leaders in our country, state, and city and American symbols in social studies
-using nickels to count by 5s, patterns, and dividing shared proportions equally in math
-being paleontologist to study and discover facts about dinosaurs and prehistoric times in science


Tonight your child has Reading Practice homework!! Please work with your child to identify letter sounds to blend them together to form and read words!


Class pictures are TOMORROW, Wednesday, February 19th!  School uniform is required!  If you would like an 8x10 class picture, please fill out form that was sent home today and send in your $10.00!

Parent Work Day is this coming Saturday, February 22 starting at 8:00 a.m.!!!!

Thursday, February 13, 2014


We love being petrologists and studying rocks! We compared and contrasted, sorted, weighed, and observed the different rocks with our sight and touch!!

Tremendous Thursday!

Today we compared and contrasted cubes and cylinders, took a spelling test, remembered St. Valentine and demonstrated loving acts, studied rocks as petrologists to sort them, had Computer class and visited the library, and had Show and Share!

Tonight: don't forget to have your child address their Valentine cards!!

Please RETURN your child's signed progress report if you have not already done so by tomorrow, Friday, February 14th!!! Thank you!


TOMORROW: Friday, February 14th we will celebrate St. Valentine for Valentine's Day!! Our classroom party will begin at 2:00p.m. at which time you can come and enjoy in the sharing of love and joy!!  Your child is encouraged to bring in Valentine cards for each friend in our classroom!  A class list of names was sent home last week, if you need another list, please let me know and I'd be happy to get you another one!! We have made Valentine bags in class to place the cards in!

NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 17th in observance of President's Day!!! Ask your child who the first President was and talk about our President's duties today!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Warmer Wednesday!

We were finally able to enjoy the warmer weather today with some outside time!!  Today we did a lot of work with rhyming words as we read Sheep in a Jeep!  In math, we worked with nickels and couting by 5s more!  In social studies we practiced the right to vote as a citizen (we have been doing an author study on Laura Numeroff circle stories and we voted today to decide which story we should have a circle story celebration for!!!)!  We also decorated our Valentine's bags to use on Friday for our Valentine's Day party and loved going to art!!

Tonight your child has 'Sound to Symbol' and 'Phonemic Awareness' homework! Please read the directions to your child and work alongside with them!!

IMPORTANT: Progress reports for 3rd quarter were sent home today! PLEASE read over, sign, and return your progress report to school by TOMORROW!  If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask!

FYI: Show and Share will be TOMORROW, Thursday for the letter 'Ee' instead of Friday due to our Valentine's Day party!!

Blue Wednesday Folders come home today!! Please read over all of the information inside!

This Friday, February 14th we will celebrate St. Valentine for Valentine's Day!! Our classroom party will begin at 2:00p.m.  Your child is encouraged to bring in Valentine cards for each friend in our classroom!  A class list of names was sent home last week, if you need another list, please let me know and I'd be happy to get you another one!! We will make Valentine bags in class to place the cards in!

NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 17th in observance of President's Day!!! Ask your child who the first President was and talk about our President's duties today!

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Feast of St. Bernadette!

We had a terrific day today working with nickels and counting by 5s, learning about St. Bernadette and her visits from Mary, identifying citizens and their characteristics, working with our vowel 'e' and consonant blends, and going to P.E.!

This Friday, February 14th we will celebrate St. Valentine for Valentine's Day!! Our classroom party will begin at 2:00p.m.  Your child is encouraged to bring in Valentine cards for each friend in our classroom!  A class list of names was sent home last week, if you need another list, please let me know and I'd be happy to get you another one!! We will make Valentine bags in class to place the cards in!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Meaningful Monday!!

The kindergartners definitely came to school today ready to do a SUPER job and work hard while learning together!!

This week we will be learning and working with:
-the vowel 'Ee'
-nickels and counting by 5's
-being a citizen and identifying citizens' roles
-the study of rocks and being petrologists
-St. Valentine and St. Bernadette

This Friday, February 14th we will celebrate St. Valentine for Valentine's Day!! Our classroom party will begin at 2:00p.m.  Your child is encouraged to bring in Valentine cards for each friend in our classroom!  A class list of names was sent home last week, if you need another list, please let me know and I'd be happy to get you another one!! We will make Valentine bags in class to place the cards in!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Just a Cold February Friday!

Today in our SecondStep guidance program we talked about things to do while waiting patiently (ie counting quietly to self).  We are using our Calm-Down steps in multiple situations which is really helping us identify feelings and learn how to deal with them!

Today in math we worked with estimation and comparing capacities of containers!  We also worked with symmetry!

We extended our story elements work with The Hat and did a lot of word work!

Even though it's cold out, it sure isn't keeping us from working hard!  We have been such busy bodies!

I hope you each have an enjoyable weekend!!  Hope to see you at our Denim and Diamonds Benefit Dinner and Dance tomorrow night, Saturday in support of our great school!!


DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Benefit Dinner/Dance that will be TOMORROW, SATURDAY, February 8th!  If your family purchases at least 1 ticket, your child may have a St. Luke's Dress Down Day for each Monday of February!!!! Hope to see you all there!

Next Friday, February 14th we will celebrate St. Valentine for Valentine's Day!! Our classroom party will begin at 2:00p.m.  Your child is encouraged to bring in Valentine cards for each friend in our classroom!  We will make Valentine bags in class to place the cards in!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Snow Flurries Make for an Exciting Day!

We can't believe it's snowing and we're in school! We are definitely excited to go home and be able to play in it--we're hoping there's enough to make a snowman!!

I hope you each stay warm and safe!

Today we investigated soil, worked with compound words, worked out story problems in math with one-to-one correspondence, and identified story elements of The Hat!  (along with working hard in math and literacy centers and staying warm!) :)


If you have not already, please make sure to send in your $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Benefit Dinner/Dance on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Benefit Dinner/Dance that will be on this SATURDAY, February 8th!  If your family purchases at least 1 ticket, your child may have a St. Luke's Dress Down Day for each Monday of February!!!! (February 3rd, 10th, and 24th)

Next Friday, February 14th we will celebrate St. Valentine for Valentine's Day!! Our classroom party will begin at 2:00p.m.  Your child is encouraged to bring in Valentine cards for each friend in our classroom!  We will make Valentine bags in class to place the cards in!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wondrous Wednesday!

We have been working hard identifying consonant blends, compound words, vowels, and sight words!  We are working on sentence structure and differentiating between questions and statements!

Ask your child about the rule for 'c' and 'k' sounds!! (A word begins with 'k' if it is followed by e, i, or y and a word begins with 'c' if it is followed by a, o, u, or any consonant!)  This is helpful when they say, "But I don't know which one it starts with because they both make the 'k' sound!"

Tonight we have 'C' letter recognition and phonemic awareness homework!


If you have not already, please make sure to send in your $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Benefit Dinner/Dance on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Benefit Dinner/Dance that will be on this SATURDAY, February 8th!  If your family purchases at least 1 ticket, your child may have a St. Luke's Dress Down Day for each Monday of February!!!! (February 3rd, 10th, and 24th)

Next Friday, February 14th we will celebrate St. Valentine for Valentine's Day!! Our classroom party will begin at 2:00p.m.  Your child is encouraged to bring in Valentine cards for each friend in our classroom! A class list of names was sent home today for your child to address each card!  We will make Valentine bags in class to place the cards in!

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Rainy Day!

Welcoming the much needed rain with busy bodies indoors!  We are staying dry and working hard while the rain falls!

Tonight we have 'Cc' handwriting homework!


If you have not already, please make sure to send in your $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Benefit Dinner/Dance on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Benefit Dinner/Dance that will be on this SATURDAY, February 8th!  If your family purchases at least 1 ticket, your child may have a St. Luke's Dress Down Day for each Monday of February!!!! (February 3rd, 10th, and 24th)

Monday, February 3, 2014

Blessings of the Throat!

I hope you all stayed warm and safe and continue to do so with the changing weather!!

Today we went to Mass and participated in receiving the Blessing of the Throat!

This week we are:

-Working with the letter 'Cc'
-Identifying story elements: setting, character, plot, problem
-Identifying varying lengths, patterns, shapes, and line segments
-Identifying characteristics of the environment to focus on: SOIL
-Identifying rules and laws within our home, school, and community
-Learning about feelings and forgiveness that Jesus exemplified


If you have not already, please make sure to send in your $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Benefit Dinner/Dance on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Benefit Dinner/Dance that will be on this SATURDAY, February 8th!  If your family purchases at least 1 ticket, your child may have a St. Luke's Dress Down Day for each Monday of February!!!! (February 3rd, 10th, and 24th)

Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday of Catholic Schools Week: Mass and Buddies!

Today we were blessed to have Buddy time with the 3rd and 6th grade!  They came to our classroom to share snack with us, read with us, and then enjoy playing outside together!!

It has truly been a most awesome week to celebrate Catholic Schools Week!!  The kids have worked so hard and have definitely done an amazing job exhibiting respectable characteristics as Catholic school students!!!


If you have not already, please make sure to send in your $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Benefit Dinner/Dance on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Benefit Dinner/Dance that will be on February 8th!  If your family purchases at least 1 ticket, your child may have a St. Luke's Dress Down Day for each Monday of February!!!! (February 3rd, 10th, and 24th)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday of Catholic Schools Week: Science Fair Projects!

Today we were able to see the Science Fair Projects from each grade!  The Spaghetti Bridges and engineered projects were very exciting to witness in action!  Congratulations to the winners!!!

TONIGHT we have OPEN HOUSE: Pot luck dinner at 6:00p.m. (bring a dish), followed by class skits and open house!! Hope to see you there!


Catholic Schools Week Schedule:
Friday, January 31st: Teacher Appreciation Day, Early Dismissal, NO LUNCH, NO ESD

Please take note of the $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Gala on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Gala that will be on February 8th!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday of Catholic Schools Week: Service Day and Student Appreciation Day!

Today we did a great service to our school and classroom by helping to clean our room so that it is the best condition for our learning together!

For student appreciation day we received Catholic Schools Week bracelets and were able to watch the movie Balto with the preschool class!! We even had popcorn to celebrate being a student in Catholic school!

IMPORTANT: Your child is bringing home a small Emergency Info Card that must be filled out and returned by TOMORROW, Thursday!! If your child brings the form back to school filled out tomorrow, they may have a St. Luke Dress Down day to wear jeans and a St. Luke shirt with crazy socks and hats!!!

Tomorrow we have the All School Science Fair at 10:00a.m. and OPEN HOUSE: Pot luck dinner at 6:00p.m. followed by class skits and open house!! Hope to see you there!


Catholic Schools Week Schedule:

Thursday, January 30th: All School Science Fair, Open House with Pot Luck Dinner, classroom skits at 6:00 p.m.
Friday, January 31st: Teacher Appreciation Day, Early Dismissal, NO LUNCH, NO ESD

Please take note of the $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Gala on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Gala that will be on February 8th!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday of Catholic Schools Week: Career Day!

Today we had Career Day and were able to learn about careers from: Police Officer, Firemen, and Martial Arts: karate

Tomorrow is Volunteer Service Day and Student Appreciation Day!  Students have a dress down day to include jeans and a St. Luke's shirt!


Catholic Schools Week Schedule:

Wednesday, January 29th: Student Appreciation Day: St. Luke Dress Down Day; Volunteer Service Day
Thursday, January 30th: All School Science Fair, Open House with Pot Luck Dinner, classroom skits at 6:00 p.m.
Friday, January 31st: Teacher Appreciation Day, Early Dismissal, NO LUNCH, NO ESD

Please take note of the $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Gala on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Gala that will be on February 8th!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday of Catholic Schools Week: Field Trip to the Library!


Today we had such an exciting time visiting the library!  The read aloud and puppet show was a wonderful experience for us to share in together!

This week we are learning about the letter 'Zz'!

Today we got to our 3rd line on our 'Warm Fuzzies' jar for working so hard together as a class and we got to choose a game to play at the end of the day: Duck, Duck, Goose!

Tomorrow is Career Day!


Catholic Schools Week Schedule:

Tuesday January 28th: Career Day
Wednesday, January 29th: Student Appreciation Day: St. Luke Dress Down Day; Volunteer Service Day
Thursday, January 30th: All School Science Fair, Open House with Pot Luck Dinner, classroom skits at 6:00 p.m.
Friday, January 31st: Teacher Appreciation Day, Early Dismissal, NO LUNCH, NO ESD

Please take note of the $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Gala on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Gala that will be on February 8th!

Friday, January 24, 2014

100th DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!

We made it to the 100th day of school and we couldn't be more EXCITED!!!

We started our day out in the most perfect way by going to Mass and acknowledging our Disciple of the Month students for Goodness, Honor Roll, and Perfect Attendance!!

We sorted out different snack items in groups of 10 to count by 10s to 100 so that our Trail Mix had 100 goodies!

*photo was after we had prayed and could already begin eating in case you were wondering why there isn't 10 of each :)

We did multiple counting activities to 100, sorting 100 items into groups of 10s, thought about what we would do with $100, imagined ourselves being 100 years old, and simply enjoyed celebrating being 100 days smarter together!!

We also had our AR reading party as we are beginning to get excited about answering questions about the wonderful books we have read!

In our SecondStep guidance we talked more about calming down strong feelings and taking belly breaths to help us!

It was more than an amazing day today!! I hope you all have a terrific weekend and I look forward to seeing you at the All School Mass on Sunday at 11:00a.m.!!!!


TONIGHT is the iT'Z Family Night from 5:00-9:00p.m. Don't forget to say you're there in support of St. Luke Catholic School!!

Next week is Catholic Schools Week and we will be celebrating in special ways each day!

Sunday, January 26: All School Mass at 11:00 a.m.
Monday, January 27: Grandparents breakfast from 7:00-8:30 a.m. and visit to Irving Public Library
Tuesday January 28th: Career Day
Wednesday, January 29th: Student Appreciation Day: St. Luke Dress Down Day; Volunteer Service Day
Thursday, January 30th: All School Science Fair, Open House with Pot Luck Dinner, classroom skits at 6:00 p.m.
Friday, January 31st: Teacher Appreciation Day, Early Dismissal, NO LUNCH, NO ESD

Please take note of the $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Gala on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Gala that will be on February 8th!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day: 99!

Today we took our first AR reading tests for Hop on Pop!  We also had the wonderful opportunity of being able to be a part of a miracle of Christ when the 7th grade students came to read to us!  It truly was a miracle in the moment as they gave us the most precious gift: being read to out of love and generosity of their own time and talent!

We also have new 'families' coming to our classroom: WORD FAMILIES!!! Ask your child about members of the 'ip family' such as: tip, hip, slip, drip, trip, etc.

Tomorrow is our 100th day of school!!! We are SO EXCITED to celebrate being 100 days smarter!!


TOMORROW: don't forget to count 100 items with your child to bring to school in a ziplock bag!

Please SIGN and RETURN the PERMISSION SLIP for your child to go to the Irving Library next week! Thank you!!

Next week is Catholic Schools Week and we will be celebrating in special ways each day!

Our celebration will begin this Friday, January 24th from 5:00-9:00 p.m. for the iT'Z family food and fun!  Let iT'Z know that you are there in support of St. Luke Catholic School!

Sunday, January 26: All School Mass at 11:00 a.m.
Monday, January 27: Grandparents breakfast from 7:00-8:30 a.m. and visit to Irving Public Library
Tuesday January 28th: Career Day
Wednesday, January 29th: Student Appreciation Day: St. Luke Dress Down Day; Volunteer Service Day
Thursday, January 30th: All School Science Fair, Open House with Pot Luck Dinner, classroom skits at 6:00 p.m.
Friday, January 31st: Teacher Appreciation Day, Early Dismissal, NO LUNCH, NO ESD

Please take note of the $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Gala on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Gala that will be on February 8th!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Number of Days in School: 98! Almost to 100!!!

Ask your child about our 'Favorite Winter Activities' pictograph, the vibrations made during our science experiment, and the short vowel sound for 'u' like in our password: umbrella!

Tonight your child has 'Uu' handwriting homework!!


Friday is our 100th day of school!! Don't forget to count 100 items with your child to bring to school in a ziplock bag!

Please SIGN and RETURN the PERMISSION SLIP for your child to go to the Irving Library next week! Thank you!!

Next week is Catholic Schools Week and we will be celebrating in special ways each day!

Our celebration will begin this Friday, January 24th from 5:00-9:00 p.m. for the iT'Z family food and fun!  Let iT'Z know that you are there in support of St. Luke Catholic School!

Sunday, January 26: All School Mass at 11:00 a.m.
Monday, January 27: Grandparents breakfast from 7:00-8:30 a.m. and visit to Irving Public Library
Tuesday January 28th: Career Day
Wednesday, January 29th: Student Appreciation Day: St. Luke Dress Down Day
Thursday, January 30th: All School Science Fair, Open House with Pot Luck Dinner, classroom skits at 6:00 p.m.
Friday, January 31st: Teacher Appreciation Day, Early Dismissal, NO LUNCH, NO ESD

Please take note of the $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Gala on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Gala!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tuesday after Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

I hope you each had a restful and fun filled long weekend--embracing the beautiful warm weather with arms wide open!

This week will be working with the vowel 'Uu,' different tools for measuring varying lengths and graphing, observing and experimenting with our Science Fair project 'Hearing Without Ears,' reflecting on Martin Luther King Jr. day and the significance of freedom, and recognizing the heart as a symbol of love and acknowledging God's gift of love to each of us!


Permission Slips to go to the Irving Library next week during Catholic Schools Week were brought home today!! Please SIGN and RETURN the permission slips TOMORROW or NO LATER than Thursday! Thank you!!

Next week is Catholic Schools Week and we will be celebrating in special ways each day!

Our celebration will begin this Friday, January 24th from 5:00-9:00 p.m. for the iT'Z family food and fun!  Let iT'Z know that you are there in support of St. Luke Catholic School!

Sunday, January 26: All School Mass at 11:00 a.m.
Monday, January 27: Grandparents breakfast from 7:00-8:30 a.m. and visit to Irving Public Library
Tuesday January 28th: Career Day
Wednesday, January 29th: Student Appreciation Day: St. Luke Dress Down Day
Thursday, January 30th: All School Science Fair, Open House with Pot Luck Dinner, classroom skits at 6:00 p.m.
Friday, January 31st: Teacher Appreciation Day, Early Dismissal, NO LUNCH, NO ESD

Please take note of the $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Gala on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Gala!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Fabulous Friday!!

Happy Friday to you all!!

We have been very busy learning about life cycles, discussing Martin Luther King Jr. and the significance of his freedom work, discovering and writing about the signs and wonders of winter, representing numbers to compare/contrast using manipulatives, and much more!

Today in our Second Step guidance program, we worked with steps to calm down include: 1) Say "stop" and put hands on tummy 2) Name your feeling 3) Take a deep breath and calm down

It sure has been an exciting and enouraging week of learning together!

I hope you each have a blessed weekend and are able to embrace the most beautiful weather!!


NO SCHOOL Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Mid-Week Wonders!

Today was a wonderful day!  We have been working on our decodable reader stories and today we did buddy reading! Ask your child about Stan's Pigs, Frog Ran, or An Ant Nap!


Wednesday folders come home today!!!

Tonight, January 15th there is an informational meeting for all prospective families at 6:00p.m.

Tomorrow, January 16th there is a parent meeting for those students who attend Catapult at 6:30p.m.

NO school Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day!


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Beautiful Tuesday!!

Today we had a beautiful day learning together!!

Tonight we have 'Bb' handwriting homework! Please have your child trace the letters and write their own on the paper provided!


NO school Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Hello Monday!!

Happy Monday to you all!!  I hope you each were able to enjoy the most beautiful weather this weekend!

This week we are working with the letter 'Bb,' conintinuing our sight word work, reading small stories, practicing writing skills, learning about young animals and their life cycles, measuring and manipulating math designs, identifying numbers 1-20, discussing freedom and our first president, and identifying Jesus as a Good Shepherd who calls us to be followers of Him and live in and for His love!!

Tonight your child has reading practice for homework! Please work with your child to identify each sound in the word to blend the sounds together!


NO school Monday, January 20th in recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Fantastic Friday!!!

Today we did a great job in Mass showing reverence and participating!

In our guidance this week, we are learning how to focus on the feelings within our own bodies to help us determine how we feel, followed by talking to a grown up to help us feel better and get through the situation.

We have been working with adjectives and sentences thoroughly this week!  Modeling speaking is very significant for your child and using complete sentences helps them learn how to express themselves clearly which carries over to their writing in complete sentences!

We were all very excited for our 'Kk' Show-and-Share today :)

I hope you each have a wonderful weekend and are able to enjoy the warm, beautiful weather!!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Rainy Day!

We have been keeping busy inside while it has been so rainy!

Today we worked with beginning, middle, and end sounds, identifying/couting/ordering numbers 0-20, typing our sight words, identifying how animals stay safe in their own environments, and characteristics of leaders, such as those who have worked to gain us our freedom!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Fantastic Wednesday!!!

We had such a wonderful day today!! We have been very busy working and learning together!

Tonight your child has Sound to Symbol and Phonemic Awareness homework! Please work alongside them to assist in the learning process!!


REPORT CARDS are sent home today!! Please look over and sign BOTH the report card AND envelope to RETURN to school TOMORROW, Thursday!! Thank you for your timely manner in doing so!

Wednesday folders come home today! Please make sure to read over all of the important information inside!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Today is Tuesday!

Tonight we have 'Kk' handwriting homework!!

Also, please make sure you are reading to your child every night!  While reading with your child, take a picture walk through the pictures with them for them to tell the story by just viewing the pictures and then read the story together!  Reading to your child is one of the most precious gifts you can ever give to them! 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Hello January!!

Happy New Year to you and your family!!  I pray that this new year brings blessings and happiness to you!  I hope that our Christmas break was enjoyable as you were able to have rest and make new memories with loved ones!

This week we are getting back into the swing of things as our mission is to:

Each other for who we are
And be open to learn from each other so that we are
Ready to learn
New things in new light!

This week we will work with the following:
  • learn and work with the letter 'Rr'
  • identifying adjectives and using them in our writing
  • working with numbers 11-20
  • creating and computing addition problems
  • comparing/contrasting animals, their habitats, and unique characteristics
  • discussing 'freedom,' significant figures in history, and characteristics of leaders
  • celebrating the Epiphany and being ready to say 'YES!' to God
Tonight your child is bring home a new SNACK SCHEDULE and Show-and-Share schedule!! Please take note of the times when you are scheduled for snack!! Thank you so much!!