Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
I hope you each had a most beautiful spring break that you were able to spend in wonderful company with friends and family!!!
This week we are:
-learning about St. Patrick and St. Joseph
-working with the letter: 'Jj'
-celebrating and learning about the start of spring!
-identifying and contrasting needs and wants
-working with a new math manipulative: tangrams (triangles, squares, and parallelograms) and making more pictographs!
March 28th we will be going on a field trip to the Perot Museum!
IMPORTANT: A permission slip for the field trip was sent home today!! Please SIGN and RETURN the slip by tomorrow, March 18th! Thank you!!
This Thursday at 7:00p.m. is the 8th grade play and the dinner will be on Friday at 6:00p.m.