Today we had our St. Jude's Trike-A-Thon and it was a huge success!!! It was a beautiful day for it and we loved every minute of it! A huge THANK YOU goes out to all of the parents who helped make it a huge success!! Also, thank you for all of the donations and money we raised for St. Jude's!!! It was truly an amazing experience all around as we learned about bicycle safety, raised money to help others, and were able to enjoy such a fun activity as riding our trikes as a class together!
I hope you each have a fantastic weekend!! REMEMBER: ALL SCHOOL MASS on Sunday at 11:00a.m.
TONIGHT: Movie night!!!
April 4th: MOVIE NIGHT is tonight!!!
April 6th: ALL SCHOOL MASS! Come to Mass at 11:00a.m. in school uniform! Food Sales after Mass!
April 11th: Living Stations of the Cross at 2:30 and 7:00 p.m.
April 17th and 18th: NO SCHOOL for Holy Thursday and Good Friday
April 21st and 22nd we ARE IN SCHOOL!
April 24th: Spring Concert!