Friday, January 24, 2014

100th DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!

We made it to the 100th day of school and we couldn't be more EXCITED!!!

We started our day out in the most perfect way by going to Mass and acknowledging our Disciple of the Month students for Goodness, Honor Roll, and Perfect Attendance!!

We sorted out different snack items in groups of 10 to count by 10s to 100 so that our Trail Mix had 100 goodies!

*photo was after we had prayed and could already begin eating in case you were wondering why there isn't 10 of each :)

We did multiple counting activities to 100, sorting 100 items into groups of 10s, thought about what we would do with $100, imagined ourselves being 100 years old, and simply enjoyed celebrating being 100 days smarter together!!

We also had our AR reading party as we are beginning to get excited about answering questions about the wonderful books we have read!

In our SecondStep guidance we talked more about calming down strong feelings and taking belly breaths to help us!

It was more than an amazing day today!! I hope you all have a terrific weekend and I look forward to seeing you at the All School Mass on Sunday at 11:00a.m.!!!!


TONIGHT is the iT'Z Family Night from 5:00-9:00p.m. Don't forget to say you're there in support of St. Luke Catholic School!!

Next week is Catholic Schools Week and we will be celebrating in special ways each day!

Sunday, January 26: All School Mass at 11:00 a.m.
Monday, January 27: Grandparents breakfast from 7:00-8:30 a.m. and visit to Irving Public Library
Tuesday January 28th: Career Day
Wednesday, January 29th: Student Appreciation Day: St. Luke Dress Down Day; Volunteer Service Day
Thursday, January 30th: All School Science Fair, Open House with Pot Luck Dinner, classroom skits at 6:00 p.m.
Friday, January 31st: Teacher Appreciation Day, Early Dismissal, NO LUNCH, NO ESD

Please take note of the $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Gala on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Gala that will be on February 8th!