Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday of Catholic Schools Week: Service Day and Student Appreciation Day!

Today we did a great service to our school and classroom by helping to clean our room so that it is the best condition for our learning together!

For student appreciation day we received Catholic Schools Week bracelets and were able to watch the movie Balto with the preschool class!! We even had popcorn to celebrate being a student in Catholic school!

IMPORTANT: Your child is bringing home a small Emergency Info Card that must be filled out and returned by TOMORROW, Thursday!! If your child brings the form back to school filled out tomorrow, they may have a St. Luke Dress Down day to wear jeans and a St. Luke shirt with crazy socks and hats!!!

Tomorrow we have the All School Science Fair at 10:00a.m. and OPEN HOUSE: Pot luck dinner at 6:00p.m. followed by class skits and open house!! Hope to see you there!


Catholic Schools Week Schedule:

Thursday, January 30th: All School Science Fair, Open House with Pot Luck Dinner, classroom skits at 6:00 p.m.
Friday, January 31st: Teacher Appreciation Day, Early Dismissal, NO LUNCH, NO ESD

Please take note of the $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Gala on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Gala that will be on February 8th!