Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wonderful Wednesday!!!

Ask your child about our tree map we made today in math! 

We were the authors and illustrators of our own circle story today, just like Laura Numeroff!  Tomorrow we will have our Laura Numeroff circle story celebration!!

Tonight we have homework that includes writing about 'Ten Red Hens' and being illustrators for two friends named Ted and Meg in a decodable text!!  I can't wait to read the stories and see the illustrations!!

TOMORROW is the Accelerated Reading party to acknowledge all of the students who have worked hard reading and listening!! Please take note of the note sent home with names of students who are able to have a St. Luke dress down day and will participate in the party!

Wednesday Folders come home today! Please make sure that you look over and read everything inside!!
THIS Friday, February 28th is a HALF DAY of school!  We will have early dismissal at 12:00 noon and there will be lunch and ESD!