Thursday, February 6, 2014

Snow Flurries Make for an Exciting Day!

We can't believe it's snowing and we're in school! We are definitely excited to go home and be able to play in it--we're hoping there's enough to make a snowman!!

I hope you each stay warm and safe!

Today we investigated soil, worked with compound words, worked out story problems in math with one-to-one correspondence, and identified story elements of The Hat!  (along with working hard in math and literacy centers and staying warm!) :)


If you have not already, please make sure to send in your $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Benefit Dinner/Dance on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Benefit Dinner/Dance that will be on this SATURDAY, February 8th!  If your family purchases at least 1 ticket, your child may have a St. Luke's Dress Down Day for each Monday of February!!!! (February 3rd, 10th, and 24th)

Next Friday, February 14th we will celebrate St. Valentine for Valentine's Day!! Our classroom party will begin at 2:00p.m.  Your child is encouraged to bring in Valentine cards for each friend in our classroom!  We will make Valentine bags in class to place the cards in!