We were finally able to enjoy the warmer weather today with some outside time!! Today we did a lot of work with rhyming words as we read Sheep in a Jeep! In math, we worked with nickels and couting by 5s more! In social studies we practiced the right to vote as a citizen (we have been doing an author study on Laura Numeroff circle stories and we voted today to decide which story we should have a circle story celebration for!!!)! We also decorated our Valentine's bags to use on Friday for our Valentine's Day party and loved going to art!!
Tonight your child has 'Sound to Symbol' and 'Phonemic Awareness' homework! Please read the directions to your child and work alongside with them!!
IMPORTANT: Progress reports for 3rd quarter were sent home today! PLEASE read over, sign, and return your progress report to school by TOMORROW! If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to ask!
FYI: Show and Share will be TOMORROW, Thursday for the letter 'Ee' instead of Friday due to our Valentine's Day party!!
Blue Wednesday Folders come home today!! Please read over all of the information inside!
This Friday, February 14th we will celebrate St. Valentine for Valentine's Day!! Our classroom party will begin at 2:00p.m. Your child is encouraged to bring in Valentine cards for each friend in our classroom! A class list of names was sent home last week, if you need another list, please let me know and I'd be happy to get you another one!! We will make Valentine bags in class to place the cards in!
NO SCHOOL on Monday, February 17th in observance of President's Day!!! Ask your child who the first President was and talk about our President's duties today!