Friday, February 7, 2014

Just a Cold February Friday!

Today in our SecondStep guidance program we talked about things to do while waiting patiently (ie counting quietly to self).  We are using our Calm-Down steps in multiple situations which is really helping us identify feelings and learn how to deal with them!

Today in math we worked with estimation and comparing capacities of containers!  We also worked with symmetry!

We extended our story elements work with The Hat and did a lot of word work!

Even though it's cold out, it sure isn't keeping us from working hard!  We have been such busy bodies!

I hope you each have an enjoyable weekend!!  Hope to see you at our Denim and Diamonds Benefit Dinner and Dance tomorrow night, Saturday in support of our great school!!


DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Benefit Dinner/Dance that will be TOMORROW, SATURDAY, February 8th!  If your family purchases at least 1 ticket, your child may have a St. Luke's Dress Down Day for each Monday of February!!!! Hope to see you all there!

Next Friday, February 14th we will celebrate St. Valentine for Valentine's Day!! Our classroom party will begin at 2:00p.m.  Your child is encouraged to bring in Valentine cards for each friend in our classroom!  We will make Valentine bags in class to place the cards in!