Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Working Away Wednesday!

Today we extended our learning and review of the letters l, o, and g as we worked with blending sounds and spelling our first spelling word: 'log'

We worked more with rhyming words along with vowels and consonants as we learned to mark a short 'o' vowel followed by a consonant with a breve such as in our spelling word 'log.'

There is MATH HOMEWORK tonight!! Please view your child's yellow folder for the math activity!

We began the making of our Nature's Seasons booklet to make our fall and winter pages!

In religion, we recalled the story of creation and used our individual bibles as we read the story of Noah and the flood.

Our special class was art today!!


PROGRESS REPORTS have been sent home today.  PLEASE review them, sign, and return to the school!!!  If you have any questions or concerns, please email me in regards.

WEDNESDAY BLUE FOLDERS are sent home today with A LOT of important information--PLEASE read and send back to school the appropriate papers!!