Thursday, September 26, 2013

How-To Thursday!

Today we had a lot of learning that included How-To activities!  In math we discovered how to cover already made pattern block designs by manipulating pattern blocks, we demonstrated how to have quiet and peaceful bodies during prayer to listen to and talk with God, and we learned how to make hot homemade hot applesauce!! There was a lot of preparation, measuring tools, and steps to follow in the recipe in which we all worked together to learn how apples turn into applesauce!  We had a tremondous day!!


Tomorrow, Friday is a HALF DAY of school!! School dismisses at 12:00 noon and there will be lunch and ESD.

Tuesday we will have a Living Rosary in which we will all gather to say the Rosary at 9:00 a.m. Families are more than welcome to attend and students may bring a Rosary to school with them.

Friday, October 4th there will be the Blessing for Animals after Mass in which parents may bring their pets to the church to be blessed. ALL pets must be on a leash/contained and will go back home with the parent after the blessing. If your family does NOT have a pet, your child may bring in a stuffed animal small enough to fit inside their backpack which can be blessed.

SELL those raffle tickets to help our class when the party and to support Fall Festival!!!

We are still in need of candy, 2 liter bottles of soda, and toys for prizes for Fall Festival!!! PLEASE bring to the school office to help us out!!!