We are really working on our days of the week to include what yesterday was, today is, and tomorrow will be!
Today was a wonderful day! We went to Art class which we always love!!
We worked with sorting and graphing our counting bears and writing the number 2!
We worked more in our literacy centers with the letter 'o' and reviewing 'l.'
We also worked with rhymes, vowels/consonants, and sentences!! LOTS of LEARNING!!!
In science, we are exploring living and nonliving things in which we observed two potatoes: 1 sweet potato and 1 red potato to discuss the properties of them, how they were living and grew, and then drew a scientific drawing using our sense of sight to really make our illustrations descriptive!!
We have been acknowledging feelings and treating others respectfully and kindly in an ongoing manner every day in every situation!
Safe Enironmnet training tonight at 7:00 p.m.
PTP Meeting tomorrow at 7:00 p.m.