Friday, September 13, 2013

Happy Friday!!!

Just another amazing day in kindergarten at St. Luke's Elementary School!!!

We began our day by going to Mass and then we had music!

We worked more with the alphabet to identify and count each letter: vowel and consonant.

In math, we were mathematicians as we explored the shapes of circle and rectangle with crackers, along with going on a circle and rectangle hunt in our classroom to identify the shapes everywhere!

Before ending our day with centers, we enjoyed reviewing the letter 'o' as we made O's out of Cheerios and then made a big class 'O' vowel poster!

We read an octopus rhyme poem followed by listening to The Pigeon Finds a Hot Dog! to identify the placement of the 'o' in each word: beginning or middle.  We then enjoyed eating octopus hot dogs to celebrate our hard work with the letter 'o'!

We wrapped our day up with Show-and-Share in which we got to learn about 'o' objects brought in from our classmates!!
Today was filled with so many fun learning opportunities in which we worked together in partners and groups.  The concepts of sharing, helping friends, and being kind to others out of generosity and for the love of Jesus in everyone is beyond present in the classroom!