Today we extended our learning with rhymes, vowel/consonant work, the letter 'h' and our spelling words! We also worked with math words "First, Second, Third, and Fourth." We visited the church to practice how we have a quiet heart to be with Jesus and talk to Him through prayer wherein we actually heard Jesus speaking back to us! In science, we all began as pips (or apple seeds) to find out how we grew into apples and did an apple sequencing activity! We are acknowledging our new season of fall more and more every day as we observe all of the fallen leaves and acorns!
Wednesday folders come home today! Please return by tomorrow!
Tuesday we will have a Living Rosary in which we will all gather to say the Rosary at 9:00 a.m. Families are more than welcome to attend and students may bring a Rosary to school with them.
Friday, October 4th there will be the Blessing for Animals after Mass in which parents may bring their pets to the church to be blessed. ALL pets must be on a leash/contained and will go back home with the parent after the blessing. If your family does NOT have a pet, your child may bring in a stuffed animal small enough to fit inside their backpack which can be blessed.
SELL those raffle tickets!!!!!!