Thursday, September 12, 2013

"I love school!" Thursday

Today we worked more with identifying the sounds and letter symbols for 'l' and 'o, 'identified vowels and consonants, and worked more with sentences!

We are working towards showing more reverence during Religion time through our actions such as genuflecting, marking our foreheads, lips, and hearts with a cross, and participating in actions for Psalm prayers.

We had Rosetta Stone today in the computer lab and visited the library to check out new library books!

Referring back to our potatoes we first predicted about the insides of the potatoes and then observed them making conclusions that they were different!  We discussed their similarities and differences and reviewed living and nonliving objects.  We did a 'Living and Nonliving' sort of objects.  We then worked with the word 'opposite' to discuss what it meant and to do in an activity in which we had to find a partner with the opposite object card as us and explan why it was the opposite! 

We enjoyed our centers time today as we are exploring more and more things to work and learn with alongside our friends!!


TONIGHT is PTP Meeting in the Parish Hall at 7:00p.m.

TOMORROW is Show-and-Share in which your child may bring an appropriate item that starts with 'o' to school to share with friends!