Friday, September 20, 2013

Rainy Friday!

We welcomed the much needed rain with a day full of learning centers and activities inside! We were able to have music today which we loved!  We worked in our literacy and math centers, practiced AB patterns in math, worked with brain building activities to practice "Staying Focused" through our SecondStep guidance program, listened to "Go Dog Go!" and built a stoplight using a rectangle graham cracker with red, yellow, and green gummy bears to identify green means go!  We also had Show-and-Share in which many friends had the opportunity to share their letter 'g' objects brought from home!! Today was the first day that many students got to choose from the Treasure Box for filling up their sticker graph according to their charted behavior for each day in school! 

Learning and loving is definitely present here in the kindergarten classroom at St. Luke's! 

Hope you each have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the beautiful weather!