Friday, January 31, 2014

Friday of Catholic Schools Week: Mass and Buddies!

Today we were blessed to have Buddy time with the 3rd and 6th grade!  They came to our classroom to share snack with us, read with us, and then enjoy playing outside together!!

It has truly been a most awesome week to celebrate Catholic Schools Week!!  The kids have worked so hard and have definitely done an amazing job exhibiting respectable characteristics as Catholic school students!!!


If you have not already, please make sure to send in your $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Benefit Dinner/Dance on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Benefit Dinner/Dance that will be on February 8th!  If your family purchases at least 1 ticket, your child may have a St. Luke's Dress Down Day for each Monday of February!!!! (February 3rd, 10th, and 24th)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thursday of Catholic Schools Week: Science Fair Projects!

Today we were able to see the Science Fair Projects from each grade!  The Spaghetti Bridges and engineered projects were very exciting to witness in action!  Congratulations to the winners!!!

TONIGHT we have OPEN HOUSE: Pot luck dinner at 6:00p.m. (bring a dish), followed by class skits and open house!! Hope to see you there!


Catholic Schools Week Schedule:
Friday, January 31st: Teacher Appreciation Day, Early Dismissal, NO LUNCH, NO ESD

Please take note of the $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Gala on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Gala that will be on February 8th!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Wednesday of Catholic Schools Week: Service Day and Student Appreciation Day!

Today we did a great service to our school and classroom by helping to clean our room so that it is the best condition for our learning together!

For student appreciation day we received Catholic Schools Week bracelets and were able to watch the movie Balto with the preschool class!! We even had popcorn to celebrate being a student in Catholic school!

IMPORTANT: Your child is bringing home a small Emergency Info Card that must be filled out and returned by TOMORROW, Thursday!! If your child brings the form back to school filled out tomorrow, they may have a St. Luke Dress Down day to wear jeans and a St. Luke shirt with crazy socks and hats!!!

Tomorrow we have the All School Science Fair at 10:00a.m. and OPEN HOUSE: Pot luck dinner at 6:00p.m. followed by class skits and open house!! Hope to see you there!


Catholic Schools Week Schedule:

Thursday, January 30th: All School Science Fair, Open House with Pot Luck Dinner, classroom skits at 6:00 p.m.
Friday, January 31st: Teacher Appreciation Day, Early Dismissal, NO LUNCH, NO ESD

Please take note of the $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Gala on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Gala that will be on February 8th!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tuesday of Catholic Schools Week: Career Day!

Today we had Career Day and were able to learn about careers from: Police Officer, Firemen, and Martial Arts: karate

Tomorrow is Volunteer Service Day and Student Appreciation Day!  Students have a dress down day to include jeans and a St. Luke's shirt!


Catholic Schools Week Schedule:

Wednesday, January 29th: Student Appreciation Day: St. Luke Dress Down Day; Volunteer Service Day
Thursday, January 30th: All School Science Fair, Open House with Pot Luck Dinner, classroom skits at 6:00 p.m.
Friday, January 31st: Teacher Appreciation Day, Early Dismissal, NO LUNCH, NO ESD

Please take note of the $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Gala on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Gala that will be on February 8th!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday of Catholic Schools Week: Field Trip to the Library!


Today we had such an exciting time visiting the library!  The read aloud and puppet show was a wonderful experience for us to share in together!

This week we are learning about the letter 'Zz'!

Today we got to our 3rd line on our 'Warm Fuzzies' jar for working so hard together as a class and we got to choose a game to play at the end of the day: Duck, Duck, Goose!

Tomorrow is Career Day!


Catholic Schools Week Schedule:

Tuesday January 28th: Career Day
Wednesday, January 29th: Student Appreciation Day: St. Luke Dress Down Day; Volunteer Service Day
Thursday, January 30th: All School Science Fair, Open House with Pot Luck Dinner, classroom skits at 6:00 p.m.
Friday, January 31st: Teacher Appreciation Day, Early Dismissal, NO LUNCH, NO ESD

Please take note of the $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Gala on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Gala that will be on February 8th!

Friday, January 24, 2014

100th DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!

We made it to the 100th day of school and we couldn't be more EXCITED!!!

We started our day out in the most perfect way by going to Mass and acknowledging our Disciple of the Month students for Goodness, Honor Roll, and Perfect Attendance!!

We sorted out different snack items in groups of 10 to count by 10s to 100 so that our Trail Mix had 100 goodies!

*photo was after we had prayed and could already begin eating in case you were wondering why there isn't 10 of each :)

We did multiple counting activities to 100, sorting 100 items into groups of 10s, thought about what we would do with $100, imagined ourselves being 100 years old, and simply enjoyed celebrating being 100 days smarter together!!

We also had our AR reading party as we are beginning to get excited about answering questions about the wonderful books we have read!

In our SecondStep guidance we talked more about calming down strong feelings and taking belly breaths to help us!

It was more than an amazing day today!! I hope you all have a terrific weekend and I look forward to seeing you at the All School Mass on Sunday at 11:00a.m.!!!!


TONIGHT is the iT'Z Family Night from 5:00-9:00p.m. Don't forget to say you're there in support of St. Luke Catholic School!!

Next week is Catholic Schools Week and we will be celebrating in special ways each day!

Sunday, January 26: All School Mass at 11:00 a.m.
Monday, January 27: Grandparents breakfast from 7:00-8:30 a.m. and visit to Irving Public Library
Tuesday January 28th: Career Day
Wednesday, January 29th: Student Appreciation Day: St. Luke Dress Down Day; Volunteer Service Day
Thursday, January 30th: All School Science Fair, Open House with Pot Luck Dinner, classroom skits at 6:00 p.m.
Friday, January 31st: Teacher Appreciation Day, Early Dismissal, NO LUNCH, NO ESD

Please take note of the $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Gala on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Gala that will be on February 8th!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Day: 99!

Today we took our first AR reading tests for Hop on Pop!  We also had the wonderful opportunity of being able to be a part of a miracle of Christ when the 7th grade students came to read to us!  It truly was a miracle in the moment as they gave us the most precious gift: being read to out of love and generosity of their own time and talent!

We also have new 'families' coming to our classroom: WORD FAMILIES!!! Ask your child about members of the 'ip family' such as: tip, hip, slip, drip, trip, etc.

Tomorrow is our 100th day of school!!! We are SO EXCITED to celebrate being 100 days smarter!!


TOMORROW: don't forget to count 100 items with your child to bring to school in a ziplock bag!

Please SIGN and RETURN the PERMISSION SLIP for your child to go to the Irving Library next week! Thank you!!

Next week is Catholic Schools Week and we will be celebrating in special ways each day!

Our celebration will begin this Friday, January 24th from 5:00-9:00 p.m. for the iT'Z family food and fun!  Let iT'Z know that you are there in support of St. Luke Catholic School!

Sunday, January 26: All School Mass at 11:00 a.m.
Monday, January 27: Grandparents breakfast from 7:00-8:30 a.m. and visit to Irving Public Library
Tuesday January 28th: Career Day
Wednesday, January 29th: Student Appreciation Day: St. Luke Dress Down Day; Volunteer Service Day
Thursday, January 30th: All School Science Fair, Open House with Pot Luck Dinner, classroom skits at 6:00 p.m.
Friday, January 31st: Teacher Appreciation Day, Early Dismissal, NO LUNCH, NO ESD

Please take note of the $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Gala on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Gala that will be on February 8th!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Number of Days in School: 98! Almost to 100!!!

Ask your child about our 'Favorite Winter Activities' pictograph, the vibrations made during our science experiment, and the short vowel sound for 'u' like in our password: umbrella!

Tonight your child has 'Uu' handwriting homework!!


Friday is our 100th day of school!! Don't forget to count 100 items with your child to bring to school in a ziplock bag!

Please SIGN and RETURN the PERMISSION SLIP for your child to go to the Irving Library next week! Thank you!!

Next week is Catholic Schools Week and we will be celebrating in special ways each day!

Our celebration will begin this Friday, January 24th from 5:00-9:00 p.m. for the iT'Z family food and fun!  Let iT'Z know that you are there in support of St. Luke Catholic School!

Sunday, January 26: All School Mass at 11:00 a.m.
Monday, January 27: Grandparents breakfast from 7:00-8:30 a.m. and visit to Irving Public Library
Tuesday January 28th: Career Day
Wednesday, January 29th: Student Appreciation Day: St. Luke Dress Down Day
Thursday, January 30th: All School Science Fair, Open House with Pot Luck Dinner, classroom skits at 6:00 p.m.
Friday, January 31st: Teacher Appreciation Day, Early Dismissal, NO LUNCH, NO ESD

Please take note of the $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Gala on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Gala!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Tuesday after Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

I hope you each had a restful and fun filled long weekend--embracing the beautiful warm weather with arms wide open!

This week will be working with the vowel 'Uu,' different tools for measuring varying lengths and graphing, observing and experimenting with our Science Fair project 'Hearing Without Ears,' reflecting on Martin Luther King Jr. day and the significance of freedom, and recognizing the heart as a symbol of love and acknowledging God's gift of love to each of us!


Permission Slips to go to the Irving Library next week during Catholic Schools Week were brought home today!! Please SIGN and RETURN the permission slips TOMORROW or NO LATER than Thursday! Thank you!!

Next week is Catholic Schools Week and we will be celebrating in special ways each day!

Our celebration will begin this Friday, January 24th from 5:00-9:00 p.m. for the iT'Z family food and fun!  Let iT'Z know that you are there in support of St. Luke Catholic School!

Sunday, January 26: All School Mass at 11:00 a.m.
Monday, January 27: Grandparents breakfast from 7:00-8:30 a.m. and visit to Irving Public Library
Tuesday January 28th: Career Day
Wednesday, January 29th: Student Appreciation Day: St. Luke Dress Down Day
Thursday, January 30th: All School Science Fair, Open House with Pot Luck Dinner, classroom skits at 6:00 p.m.
Friday, January 31st: Teacher Appreciation Day, Early Dismissal, NO LUNCH, NO ESD

Please take note of the $10.00 donation per child for the Auction Baskets for our school Gala on February 8th!!  Please send the money to school with your child with your name!  Thank you!!

Also, DON'T FORGET to get your tickets for our 'Denim and Diamonds' Gala!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Fabulous Friday!!

Happy Friday to you all!!

We have been very busy learning about life cycles, discussing Martin Luther King Jr. and the significance of his freedom work, discovering and writing about the signs and wonders of winter, representing numbers to compare/contrast using manipulatives, and much more!

Today in our Second Step guidance program, we worked with steps to calm down include: 1) Say "stop" and put hands on tummy 2) Name your feeling 3) Take a deep breath and calm down

It sure has been an exciting and enouraging week of learning together!

I hope you each have a blessed weekend and are able to embrace the most beautiful weather!!


NO SCHOOL Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Mid-Week Wonders!

Today was a wonderful day!  We have been working on our decodable reader stories and today we did buddy reading! Ask your child about Stan's Pigs, Frog Ran, or An Ant Nap!


Wednesday folders come home today!!!

Tonight, January 15th there is an informational meeting for all prospective families at 6:00p.m.

Tomorrow, January 16th there is a parent meeting for those students who attend Catapult at 6:30p.m.

NO school Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day!


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Beautiful Tuesday!!

Today we had a beautiful day learning together!!

Tonight we have 'Bb' handwriting homework! Please have your child trace the letters and write their own on the paper provided!


NO school Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Hello Monday!!

Happy Monday to you all!!  I hope you each were able to enjoy the most beautiful weather this weekend!

This week we are working with the letter 'Bb,' conintinuing our sight word work, reading small stories, practicing writing skills, learning about young animals and their life cycles, measuring and manipulating math designs, identifying numbers 1-20, discussing freedom and our first president, and identifying Jesus as a Good Shepherd who calls us to be followers of Him and live in and for His love!!

Tonight your child has reading practice for homework! Please work with your child to identify each sound in the word to blend the sounds together!


NO school Monday, January 20th in recognition of Martin Luther King Jr. Day!

Friday, January 10, 2014

Fantastic Friday!!!

Today we did a great job in Mass showing reverence and participating!

In our guidance this week, we are learning how to focus on the feelings within our own bodies to help us determine how we feel, followed by talking to a grown up to help us feel better and get through the situation.

We have been working with adjectives and sentences thoroughly this week!  Modeling speaking is very significant for your child and using complete sentences helps them learn how to express themselves clearly which carries over to their writing in complete sentences!

We were all very excited for our 'Kk' Show-and-Share today :)

I hope you each have a wonderful weekend and are able to enjoy the warm, beautiful weather!!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Rainy Day!

We have been keeping busy inside while it has been so rainy!

Today we worked with beginning, middle, and end sounds, identifying/couting/ordering numbers 0-20, typing our sight words, identifying how animals stay safe in their own environments, and characteristics of leaders, such as those who have worked to gain us our freedom!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Fantastic Wednesday!!!

We had such a wonderful day today!! We have been very busy working and learning together!

Tonight your child has Sound to Symbol and Phonemic Awareness homework! Please work alongside them to assist in the learning process!!


REPORT CARDS are sent home today!! Please look over and sign BOTH the report card AND envelope to RETURN to school TOMORROW, Thursday!! Thank you for your timely manner in doing so!

Wednesday folders come home today! Please make sure to read over all of the important information inside!!

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Today is Tuesday!

Tonight we have 'Kk' handwriting homework!!

Also, please make sure you are reading to your child every night!  While reading with your child, take a picture walk through the pictures with them for them to tell the story by just viewing the pictures and then read the story together!  Reading to your child is one of the most precious gifts you can ever give to them! 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Hello January!!

Happy New Year to you and your family!!  I pray that this new year brings blessings and happiness to you!  I hope that our Christmas break was enjoyable as you were able to have rest and make new memories with loved ones!

This week we are getting back into the swing of things as our mission is to:

Each other for who we are
And be open to learn from each other so that we are
Ready to learn
New things in new light!

This week we will work with the following:
  • learn and work with the letter 'Rr'
  • identifying adjectives and using them in our writing
  • working with numbers 11-20
  • creating and computing addition problems
  • comparing/contrasting animals, their habitats, and unique characteristics
  • discussing 'freedom,' significant figures in history, and characteristics of leaders
  • celebrating the Epiphany and being ready to say 'YES!' to God
Tonight your child is bring home a new SNACK SCHEDULE and Show-and-Share schedule!! Please take note of the times when you are scheduled for snack!! Thank you so much!!