Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Hello Again!!!

Back to school we go!!!

I hope you each stayed safe and warm throughout our time off due to the wintry weather and were able to enjoy restful peace and tranquility!!

I couldn't be MORE excited to be back in school as I have truly missed the kids and have been SO excited to start our new learning adventures together!!!

Since we were snowed in on Friday, which was the Feast of St. Nicholas, he may have visited your homes since he stopped by here and saw that no one was in school!  Thankfully, he knew we were here today and we heard he that he might stop by so we put a shoe outside of our classroom and he so graciously gave us a bag of goodies!! How kind and generous of him! The spirit of giving out of pure love and joy is definitely in the air!

This week is the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, whom we will be learning about, along with St. Juan Diego!

This week, we will work with the letter 'Rr'!

In math, we are working on understanding 10s frames, dimes, counting to 100 by 10s, and number formation for numbers 1-100!

In science, we are continuing our work with animals as we differentiate between birds, reptiles, mammals and more to understand how each moves within their unique habitats!

I'm thrilled to say that we are starting our "Christmas Around the World" studies and scrapbooks!!! Each day, we will 'travel' to a  new country to learn about their Christmas traditions, how they are similar/different from our own, and experience a glimpse of their tradition through activities and taste tests!! Thanks to our class elf, Tinker McJingles, and the other elves from the North Pole, we have luggage to carry our passports, boarding tickets, and souvenirs along the way!!! 

'Flight to Mexico will depart at approximately 1:00 p.m. for St. Luke Kindergarten Class!  Please have your tickets ready to board the plane in order to learn about the Christmas traditions celebrated at your destination!'

Homework tonight includes handwriting numbers 1-20!!

As we now have two candles lit on our Advent wreath, may we all truly reflect on the true miracle that we are awaiting and how we can prepare in all areas of life to be ready to fully receive Him at the celebration of His birth on Christmas!  May the joy, hope, love, and presence of the Lord be present now more than ever for you and your loved ones!!!

TOMORROW, WEDNESDAY is our breakfast with Santa!!!