PK and Kinder will be having a field trip on Tuesday, October 9th. Please read the orange sheet I sent home today. Sign, send fee ($15 per student) and return by Friday. We are going to Green Meadows Farm (Grand Prairie, TX) from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. The students were very excited today when I announced it.
Congratulations to the Villegas Family for the new addition to their family (baby girl) ! !
PK y Kinder tendran un dia de paseo el Martes, 9 de Octubre. Iremos a Green Meadows Farm en Grand Prairie de 9:00 AM a 1:00 PM. Envie la informaciĆ³n hoy en sus carpetas, buseque la hoja naranja. Favor de regresar el permiso firmado, dinero ($15 por alumno) para el Viernes. Los estudiantes se emocionaron mucho cuando les anuncio sobre el paseo.
Felicidades a la Familia Villegas en la llegada de su nueva bebe ! !