Monday, March 31, 2014

Last Monday of March!

Where has the month of March gone?!  So thankful for the beautiful spring weather and all of God's blessings surrounding us during this Lenten season!!

This week in kindergarten we will be working with:
-the consonant 'Ww'
-spheres, tangram shapes, and coins in math
-identifying plant parts in science
-learning about bicycle safety before our St. Jude Trike A-Thon
-practicing having good manners
-being faithful disciples of Jesus and learning about The Story of Easter

This Friday, April 4th is our St. Jude Trike A-thon!!! Please fill out the permission form that was sent home and raise money to help St. Jude's!  Parents are needed to be at the school Friday morning to assist in the Trike A-Thon! Please let the office know if you are able and willing to be present!



April 4th: St. Jude Trike A-Thon

April 6th: ALL SCHOOL MASS! Come to Mass at 11:00a.m. in school uniform! Food Sales after Mass!

April 11th: Living Stations of the Cross at 2:30 and 7:00 p.m.

April 17th and 18th: NO SCHOOL for Holy Thursday and Good Friday

April 21st and 22nd we ARE IN SCHOOL!

April 24th: Spring Concert!

Friday, March 28, 2014

Field Trip to Perot Museum!

This morning after Mass we had the wonderful opportunity to go on our field trip to the Perot Museum!!! We had such an AWESOME LEARNING EXPERIENCE together!!

I hope you have a fantastic weekend and are able to enjoy the beautiful, warm spring weather!!

Note*  We are in need of copy paper for our school! Donations of such are greatly appreciated!  Thank you for all that you do to support our school and students here at St. Luke's!

Friday, April 4th is our St. Jude Trike A-thon!!! Please fill out the permission form that was sent home and raise money to help St. Jude's!  Parents are needed to be at the school Friday morning to assist in the Trike A-Thon! Please let the office know if you are able and willing to be present!

DEADLINE to file for TUITION ASSISTANCE is April 1st!


April 4th: St. Jude Trike A-Thon

April 11th: Living Stations of the Cross at 2:30 and 7:00 p.m.

April 17th and 18th: NO SCHOOL for Holy Thursday and Good Friday

April 21st and 22nd we ARE IN SCHOOL!

April 24th: Spring Concert!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Hard Working Thursday!!

**IMPORTANT NOTE** Some students are saying that their P.E. tennis shoes are too small which is probably true since they are all growing!! If you have other tennis shoes that you would like to send to school in order to bring home the ones that are currently here, please do so!!


TOMORROW, March 28th we will be going on a field trip to the Perot Museum!  EVERY child must bring their own sack lunch with all items disposable!

We will be leaving promptly after Mass on Friday at approximately 8:45a.m. on the bus!

Note*  We are in need of copy paper for our school! Donations of such are greatly appreciated!  Thank you for all that you do to support our school and students here at St. Luke's!

Friday, April 4th is our St. Jude Trike A-thon!!!

DEADLINE to file for TUITION ASSISTANCE is April 1st!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

We Need the Rain!

We were thankful to see some much needed rain today!! We loved seeing the stratus clouds as we are learning about them!

Tonight we have reading sentences to match them with their illustrations for homework!

REPORT CARDS come HOME TODAY for you to look over, sign BOTH the report card and envelope, and RETURN to school by TOMORROW, March 27th!

TOMORROW is SPIRIT DAY in which your child can wear jeans and a St. Luke shirt!

**IMPORTANT NOTE** Some students are saying that their P.E. tennis shoes are too small which is probably true since they are all growing!! If you have other tennis shoes that you would like to send to school in order to bring home the ones that are currently here, please do so!!


This Friday, March 28th we will be going on a field trip to the Perot Museum!  EVERY child must bring their own sack lunch with all items disposable!

We will be leaving promptly after Mass on Friday at approximately 8:45a.m. on the bus!

Note*  We are in need of copy paper for our school! Donations of such are greatly appreciated!  Thank you for all that you do to support our school and students here at St. Luke's!

Friday, April 4th is our St. Jude Trike A-thon!!!

DEADLINE to file for TUITION ASSISTANCE is April 1st!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Tonight we have 'Xx' handwriting homework!

**IMPORTANT NOTE** Some students are saying that their P.E. tennis shoes are too small which is probably true since they are all growing!! If you have other tennis shoes that you would like to send to school in order to bring home the ones that are currently here, please do so!!


This Friday, March 28th we will be going on a field trip to the Perot Museum!  EVERY child must bring their own sack lunch with all items disposable!

We will be leaving promptly after Mass on Friday at approximately 8:45a.m. on the bus!

Note*  We are in need of copy paper for our school! Donations of such are greatly appreciated!  Thank you for all that you do to support our school and students here at St. Luke's!
Friday, April 4th is our St. Jude Trike A-thon!!!

Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday of the Last Week of March!

This second semester is just flying by!!

During this last week of March we will be:

-working the consonant 'Xx'
-identifying how plants grow from seeds and how we want to resemble that same growth during this season of Lent
-working with the numbers 20-30 and solving word problems in math
-identifying, comparing, and contrasting different types of clouds
-extending our learning with needs and wants and how people work to make money which they can save

**IMPORTANT NOTE** Some students are saying that their P.E. tennis shoes are too small which is probably true since they are all growing!! If you have other tennis shoes that you would like to send to school in order to bring home the ones that are currently here, please do so!!
I hope you each have a wonderful weekend in great company as we admire all of God's most gracious creations!!


This Friday, March 28th we will be going on a field trip to the Perot Museum!  EVERY child must bring their own sack lunch with all items disposable!

We will be leaving promptly after Mass on Friday at approximately 8:45a.m. on the bus!

Note*  We are in need of copy paper for our school! Donations of such are greatly appreciated!  Thank you for all that you do to support our school and students here at St. Luke's!

Friday, March 21, 2014

Fruitful Friday!!

Today we had a beautiful day!! In our SecondStep Guidance program we worked with different scenarios of accidents that might happen and how to calm down, ask what happened, and then the other person apologizing and explaining it was an accident to make sure that they are okay!!

We worked with some difficult tangram designs to manipulate them in order to cover designs!

We also did a spring writing activity that we definitely made bright!!

Today was our first day of attending Stations of the Cross! We are working on being reverent during this most sacred time of Lent as we are growing in God's love!!

**IMPORTANT NOTE** Some students are saying that their P.E. tennis shoes are too small which is probably true since they are all growing!! If you have other tennis shoes that you would like to send to school in order to bring home the ones that are currently here, please do so!!
I hope you each have a wonderful weekend in great company as we admire all of God's most gracious creations!!


March 28th we will be going on a field trip to the Perot Museum!

IMPORTANT: A permission slip for the field trip was sent home early this week!! Please SIGN and RETURN the slip as soon as possible if you have not already done so!!


TONIGHT at 6:00p.m. is dinner followed by the 8th grade play at 7:30p.m.   This is a great way to spend quality time with your own school community family to enjoy the hard work that the 8th graders have put into such a wonderful production!!!

Don't forget to turn in your admission packets for your student's enrollment at St. Luke for next year!!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Happy First Day of Spring!!!

Today is the first day of spring and we couldn't be more excited!!!

Today we had the wonderful opportunity to view the 8th grade production of the play 'The Butler Did It' and it was fabulous!! We truly enjoyed it and applaud the 8th graders for a fantastic job well done and all of their hard work!!

**IMPORTANT NOTE** Some students are saying that their P.E. tennis shoes are too small which is probably true since they are all growing!! If you have other tennis shoes that you would like to send to school in order to bring home the ones that are currently here, please do so!!


March 28th we will be going on a field trip to the Perot Museum!

IMPORTANT: A permission slip for the field trip was sent home early this week!! Please SIGN and RETURN the slip as soon as possible!!


TONIGHT at 7:00p.m. is the 8th grade play and the dinner will be on Friday at 6:00p.m. followed by the play at 7:30p.m.   This is a great way to spend quality time with your own school community family to enjoy the hard work that the 8th graders have put into such a wonderful production!!!

Don't forget to turn in your admission packets for your student's enrollment at St. Luke for next year!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Saint Joseph is Good!

Today we learned about St. Joseph for his feast day and his loving role as a father to Jesus!!

We also worked with measuring the length and width of items in our classroom, listened to a read aloud about a leprachaun and did a leprachaun writing activity, and learned about which syllables have an 'accent' as a word is said aloud!!  Today our special class was art!

Tonight we have 'Jj' handwriting homework!

Thanks to all of our bright, happy, and smiling faces, our class picture turned out AMAZING :) Future class of 2026 is just simply wonderful at St. Luke!!!

**IMPORTANT NOTE** Some students are saying that their P.E. tennis shoes are too small which is probably true since they are all growing!! If you have other tennis shoes that you would like to send to school in order to bring home the ones that are currently here, please do so!!


March 28th we will be going on a field trip to the Perot Museum!

IMPORTANT: A permission slip for the field trip was sent home yesterday!! Please SIGN and RETURN the slip by tomorrow! Thank you!!


Blue Wednesday Folders came home today!! Please make sure to read over the bulletin and all of the information inside!

This Thursday at 7:00p.m. is the 8th grade play and the dinner will be on Friday at 6:00p.m. followed by the play at 7:30p.m.   This is a great way to spend quality time with your own school community family to enjoy the hard work that the 8th graders have put into such a wonderful production!!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Tremendous Tuesday!

Today we had a terrific day!! We practiced our emergency route for a tornado drill.  We also had P.E. outside today and were able to enjoy the beautiful weather!!

Tonight we have reading cut and paste homework!!  Have your child read the sentences and then view the pictures to paste the sentences to the correct illustration!

**IMPORTANT NOTE** Some students are saying that their P.E. tennis shoes are too small which is probably true since they are all growing!! If you have other tennis shoes that you would like to send to school in order to bring home the ones that are currently here, please do so!!


March 28th we will be going on a field trip to the Perot Museum!

IMPORTANT: A permission slip for the field trip was sent home yesterday!! Please SIGN and RETURN the slip by tomorrow! Thank you!!


This Thursday at 7:00p.m. is the 8th grade play and the dinner will be on Friday at 6:00p.m. followed by the play at 7:30p.m.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

I hope you each had a most beautiful spring break that you were able to spend in wonderful company with friends and family!!!

This week we are:

-learning about St. Patrick and St. Joseph
-working with the letter: 'Jj'
-celebrating and learning about the start of spring!
-identifying and contrasting needs and wants
-working with a new math manipulative: tangrams (triangles, squares, and parallelograms) and making more pictographs!


March 28th we will be going on a field trip to the Perot Museum!

IMPORTANT: A permission slip for the field trip was sent home today!! Please SIGN and RETURN the slip by tomorrow, March 18th! Thank you!!


This Thursday at 7:00p.m. is the 8th grade play and the dinner will be on Friday at 6:00p.m.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Beginning of Spring Break!

Today we had a fabulous half day of school as we began with Mass and then took part in Read Across America as we celebrated Dr. Seuss and all of his wonderful books with our 3rd and 6th grade reading buddies!!

Celebrating Read Across America is an encouraging reminder of how important it is to read to your child!! Every day, the best gift you can give to your child is a love for reading as you read with them by their side!!

This is the start of SPRING BREAK which we are out for the week of March 10-14!!! I hope you each have the most wonderful, restful, peaceful, and love filled break as you enjoy time with those dear to you!  We will see you again on Monday, March 17th for St. Patrick's Day!!!


March 28th we will be going on a field trip to the Perot Museum!! A permission slip will be coming home after spring break!!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Ash Wednesday!

Today we celebrated Mass for Ash Wednesday to begin our Lentin journey!! 

We visited the library today to get new library books and had art!

Tonight your child has 'Vv' handwriting homework!!


This Friday, March 7th is a HALF DAY of school in which we will dismiss at 12:00 noon.  This is the start of SPRING BREAK which we are out for the week of March 10-14.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

First Tuesday of March!

I hope you each had a restful and warm extra long weekend!!

We are looking forward to our most sacred season of Lent starting on Wednesday!  Today we celebrated Mardi Gras with a Kings' Cake!!

This week in kindergarten we will be:

-preparing for the start of the season of Lent (a time to grow as God's children) as we learn about Ash Wednesday and participate in the Ash Wednesday Mass
-working with the consonant 'Vv'
-in math: working with patterns and ABBC patterns, new math manipulative: tangrams, and identifying left and right
-in science: diving deeper into the study of volcanoes and making our own volcano!
-in social studies: wrapping up our unit on our country and state of Texas as we write welcome letters to the Scalabrinian Fathers


This Wednesday is Ash Wednesday (the start of Lent!) and we will be attending Mass at 8:00 a.m.  Please make sure you are at school at 7:45a.m. and that all girls are wearing their jumpers!!

This Friday, March 7th is a HALF DAY of school in which we will dismiss at 12:00 noon.  This is the start of SPRING BREAK which we are out for the week of March 10-14.