Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August 27th!

Today was a great Tuesday!  The children loved the cooler temperatures to enjoy recess! We had P.E. today which is a reminder that ALL students should have an EXTRA pair of tennis shoes that are to stay at school for every time we have P.E. Please make sure that your child has their pair of shoes at school, if not, PLEASE send them in A.S.A.P.

We are doing great learning how to skywrite our numbers and manipulate with counting bears and pattern blocks in math! We are venturing into creating stories related to familiar items (school items) by working with the story If You Take a Mouse to School!  We are still acknowledging acts of kindness as being very important for our classroom community--we made a kindness chain today with Jesus as our first person! We are learning how to be welcoming towards others and showing reverence during prayer.

There is a lot of learning going on!!

PLEASE remember to check your child's YELLOW folder every night to acknowledge their behavior sheets and participate in doing their Homework that is on the right side of their folder--we will not have homework every day, but please be aware!!

Hopeful for another wonderful Wednesday tomorrow!!