Friday, August 30, 2013

Fantastic Friday!!!

WOW!!! I have chills thinking of how amazing today was!! The kindergartners are doing amazing--learning routines, learning new skills, and learning how to love and simply learn together!!! Together the class received 2 warm fuzzies at two different points throughout the day in order to reach our number 1 goal line because they were all working together all day long and at various points everyone was engaged and helping each other out to learn in profound ways!! Since we reached the number 1 line, the class chose together chose our 'Password for the Day!"  We have not started this yet, but the timing is perfect because we talked how we would begin our letter work next week by beginning with the letter 'l' and each of them worked together and decided on the word 'Lion' for our word!!

We began our SecondStep guidance program today and focused on our listening rules and how we have listening bodies (we helped 'Puppy' calm down and taught him how kindergartners act to listen in order to learn)!

Today we each did tremendously well in Mass!

We also had music today which we enjoyed greatly!!

We have now learned how to skywrite numbers 1-9!

Today we extended our work with "If You Take a Mouse to School" in which we were able to retell the story completely on our own as I turned the pages for them to view.  Each child then created their own mouse and ending to the story as if they were to bring the mouse to school and each ending was imaginative and very creative-they were very proud!

We had continuous learning all day long and it was simply a fantastic day in kindergarten!!


Today is the deadline for Scholastic orders!!!! Please place orders online if you wish to order, as I will be submitting the order on Tuesday!!

I apologize that there is a mistake in the snack calendar sent home: we DO have school November 1st!!!!

Also, please remember Safe Environment training which will take place on October 5th, 10th, and 11th!!!

We have PE on TUESDAY so PLEASE make sure your child's gym shoes are at school!!!

Thank you for everything you do and I hope each of you has a safe and enjoyable Labor Day weekend!!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Terrific Thursday!!!

Today we had a busy learning day as we visited both the computer lab and library for specials!! We were able to choose new books in the library which is always exciting!!

TONIGHT is a room parent mandatory meeting and Fall Festival meeting at the school at 7:00p.m.

Tomorrow, Friday we have Mass and it is very important that your child is at school by 7:45a.m. in order to leave with our class to walk to mass at 7:50a.m.

Also, please remember to send PE tennis shoes with your child to keep at school for PE!

Please complete your Safe Environment training certifications online to submit updated information to the office or attend a Safe Environment meeting!!

Thank you for all that you do to assist your child in learning at home and beyond!

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What a Wonderful Wednesday!!!

REMINDER: Wednesday Folders come home today!!! Please read everything in them as it is important to our school and classroom learning and activities!!! Please return blue Wednesday folders tomorrow, Thursday!!!

Today we made a "Welcomes are WARM like Sunshine" sign with rays for people in our lives who welcome and show love to us as Jesus does!!

We also worked on our names for our Family Quilt that we are working hard to create!

In math we learned how to skywrite 8 and started working with a new math manipulative: linking cubes!

During our If You Take a Mouse to School adventures, we created a circle story that illustrated the events of the story! 

We are working hard to remember classroom rules and making good choices!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

August 27th!

Today was a great Tuesday!  The children loved the cooler temperatures to enjoy recess! We had P.E. today which is a reminder that ALL students should have an EXTRA pair of tennis shoes that are to stay at school for every time we have P.E. Please make sure that your child has their pair of shoes at school, if not, PLEASE send them in A.S.A.P.

We are doing great learning how to skywrite our numbers and manipulate with counting bears and pattern blocks in math! We are venturing into creating stories related to familiar items (school items) by working with the story If You Take a Mouse to School!  We are still acknowledging acts of kindness as being very important for our classroom community--we made a kindness chain today with Jesus as our first person! We are learning how to be welcoming towards others and showing reverence during prayer.

There is a lot of learning going on!!

PLEASE remember to check your child's YELLOW folder every night to acknowledge their behavior sheets and participate in doing their Homework that is on the right side of their folder--we will not have homework every day, but please be aware!!

Hopeful for another wonderful Wednesday tomorrow!!

Working with Graphs!

We've been learning and working together to create graphs to include pictographs and pie graphs to learn about our differences and what makes us special!!!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Safe Environment Training


PLEASE remember that in order to participate in school activities with your child/ren that you must participate in the Safe Environment Training to either renew your certifications or receive certification for the first time!!!

Mandatory Room Parent Meeting

There is a mandatory Room Parent Meeting on Thursday, August 29th at 7:00p.m.  I would like to thank our Room Parents for their willingness to help out this year and support our learning experiences and treasured times together in Kindergarten!!