Tuesday, April 23, 2013

W A L K A T H O N ! ! ! 
Parents please continue supporting your child and asking (petitions) donations from family, friends, and/or coworkers. Every $dollar$ adds up. The Walk-a-thon will be next Friday, May 3rd. GOOD LUCK !

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Dress code

Students are allowed to wear shorts for their uniforms. 
NOTE: Only Monday through Thursday since we attend Friday mass.

REMINDER: Khaki pleated shorts should be no more than three inches above the knee.

Important events.....

Today reports cards went out. Please make sure you sign the yellow form and the envelope and return. Thank you !
  •  Thursday, April 11th: PTP/ Talent show at 7:00 PM.
  •  Friday, April 12th: Pep Rally at 2:30 PM
    • Movie Night: "Rise of the Guardians" at 7:00 PM. Come join us for an evening with your family ! The admission is only ONE canned food per person.
  • Sunday, April 14th: All school mass @ 11:00 AM. Food sale after the afternoon masses.
Any questions or concerns, please call the office 972-253-8285.