Thursday, November 15, 2012


Thank you to all who were able to join us for the Thanksgiving luncheon. The students were very excited to see you and enjoyed their lunch.

Friday we will be attending mass at 8:00 AM. 
Last day to bring canned foods will be on Friday. Thank you for all your support.

Gracias a todos que nos pudieron acompañar a la comida de Accion de Gracias. Los estudiantes estaban muy contentos y disfrutaron su compañia.

El viernes asistiremos a misa a las 8:00 AM.
El viernes también sera el ultimo dia para traer sus latas de comida. Les agradezco todo su apoyo.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Morning Prayer

  • Morning prayer is going well so far. Thanks parents for your support in bringing your child on time.
  • I sent home a reminder on school dress code. Please call the office if you have any questions
  • I also sent home a book wish list from your child. Scholastic Book Fair is in effect this week from 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. 
  • Don't forget your canned foods for our Thanksgiving drive
  • Thursday is our Thanksgiving Luncheon during lunch time (if your child doesn't participate PLEASE make sure you send a lunch for them since there will be no food service that day)
  •  Gracias por su apoyo en traer a sus hijo/a a tiempo de la oració matutina. Hasta ahorita todo va muy bien
  • Les envie un recordatorio de el codigo de vestimento de la escuela. Favor de repasarla y si tiene alguna pregunta/ duda llame a la oficina.
  • Tambien les envie una lista de deseos de libros de su hijo/a de la Feria de Libros Scholastic. Esta semana estara la feria disponible de 8:30 AM a 4:00 PM.
  • El Jueves es la comida de Accion de Gracias durante la hora de almuerzo. (si su hijo/a no participa, favor de enviarle su comida porque ese dia no habra servicio de comida)

Monday, November 12, 2012

Dress Code reminders

Kindergarten-8th Grade
Girls K-4th Grade
Blouse—White peter-pan color with Navy piping, short sleeve
Jumper—Blue plaid drop waist
Modesty short—Navy blue (to be worn under jumper or skirt)
Please see SHOES below.

Girls Optional Uniform (may not be worn on Mass days):   Khaki pleated slacks with St. Luke Navy Polo

Slacks—Khaki pleated, with black, brown or Navy belt (PreK students—no belt required)
Polo—St. Luke logo polo
Boys Optional Uniform—(may not be worn on Mass days)
Shoes: Boys
Shoes must be Tan Buck Shoe with a browninsh sole.  These can be purchased from many shoe stores as well as department stores.  (Sears, JC Penney or online at
Shoes: Girls
Shoes for K-8.  Navy and white Saddle Oxford with brownish sole. 
Shoes for PK.  Navy and white Saddle Oxford tennis shoe.

Black, Navy or White Crew socks
Socks must COVER the ankle and be visible No Anklets

White or Navy
Socks must COVER the ankle No Anklets
Crew or (during cold weather) Knee socks
Navy or White tights during cold weather

Sweater— School Logo sweatshirt, hoodie or jacket may also be worn during cool weather.
Long sleeved solid white undershirts may be worn on very cold days under the polo and sweatshirt. 
School Logo items—polos, t-shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, jacket are available only through the school. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

NEXT WEEK / Book Fair & Thanksgiving Luncheon

Next week--November  12 - 16th St. Luke's will be hosting their Scholastic Bookfair. We are still needing volunteers for this event. For more information, please call the office or go to Ms. Sawcyn's blog: 

It's that time of the year. Mark your calendars our Thanksgiving luncheon will be next Thursday, November 15th during lunch time. Older siblings will be allowed to eat lunch with younger sibling and parent. $8 per adult and $5 per student.

La proxima semana: 12 al 16 de Noviembre, la escuela de San Lucas tendra su Feria de Libros (Scholastic). Todavia necesitamos voluntarios para este event. Favor de llamar a la oficina o para mas informacion visitar el blog de Ms. Sawcyn:

Llego el tiempo para la Comida de Accion de Gracias. Se llevara a cabo el proximo Jueves, 15 de Noviembre durante la hora de comida. Los hermanos mayores tendran permiso en comer temprano con sus hermanos menores y sus padres. El precio es $8 por persona y $5 por estudiante.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

News ....Reminders

Hello Parents:

On Thursday, there is a PTP meeting at 7:00 PM in Parish Hall. Students that are present will be invited to particpate in a small program headed by Ms. Keller (music). 
On Friday, students will be released at 12 noon. Please make adequate arrangements for on time pick up. Lunch will be at regular time (11:00 AM) and there will be ESD services available.

Thanksgiving food can drive: Please start sending your canned foods (not expired) for our annual Thanksgiving food drive. Remember that we are blessed to have food in our tables every day but some families depend on our donations for that to happen.

Thanking you in advance for your cooperation.

Hola Padres:
 El Jueves, habra junta de PTP a las 7:00 PM. Alumnos presentes tendrán la oportunidad de participar en un programa conducido por Ms. Keller (cantar). 

El Viernes, los estudiantes saldran a las 12 mediodia. Favor de hacer arreglos necesarios para que los recogan a tiempo. Estudiantes comeran almuerzo a la hora regular (11:00 AM) y los servicios de ESD estaran vigentes.

Donaciones de comida enlatada: Favor de  enviar sus donaciones de comida enlatada (no vencida). Recuerden que nosotros somos bendecidos con comida en nuestras mesas todos los dias pero hay familias que dependen en nuestras donaciones para comer.

Agradeciendoles antemano su colaboración ! !