Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Mid-Week Wednesday!

Please make sure your child is praciting the reading of their line for our kindergarten graduation!!

We have been working hard on having good manners and now it is time to celebrate how far we've come!! This FRIDAY, May 23rd at 2:30p.m. we will have our manners party!! You and your family are invited to come in to share in a special time (must be Safe Environment Trained) as we share in a small Manners Celebration together!!

NO SCHOOL Monday, May 26th in observance of Memorial Day!

Wednesday, May 28th is the KINDERGARTEN GRADUATION!!! Please have your child dressed in Sunday best (boys: pants and button down shirt; girls: dress or skirt/blouse).  Please have your child ready in the classroom no later than 9:45 a.m. as the graduation will start at 10:00a.m. in the Parish Hall!!!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Today is Tuesday!

Tonight we have 'Make a Sentence' homework! 

We also have our reading of a line to practice for our Kindergarten Graduation!!  Please make sure your child is practicing their line each night until graduation!!

We have been working hard on having good manners and now it is time to celebrate how far we've come!! This FRIDAY, May 23rd at 2:30p.m. we will have our manners party!! You and your family are invited to come in to share in a special time (must be Safe Environment Trained) as we share in a small Manners Celebration together!!

NO SCHOOL Monday, May 26th in observance of Memorial Day!

Wednesday, May 28th is the KINDERGARTEN GRADUATION!!! Please have your child dressed in Sunday best (boys: pants and button down shirt; girls: dress or skirt/blouse).  Please have your child ready in the classroom no later than 9:45 a.m. as the graduation will start at 10:00a.m. in the Parish Hall!!!

Monday, May 19, 2014

Last Monday of Kindergarten!

We can't believe it's already the last Monday of our Kindergarten year!  Oh, how time flies when you're having fun learning!!!!

This week we will still be working hard on:
-the digraph 'oo'
-identifying equal halves and parts of a whole and measuring in math
-our best writing
-manipulating and investigating sounds and magnets in science
-identifying and celebrating the Holy Spirit and the joy that is ever present from the Lord and His presence!
-preparing for graduation which is next TUESDAY at 10:00a.m.

We have been working hard on having good manners and now it is time to celebrate how far we've come!! This FRIDAY, May 23rd at 2:30p.m. we will have our manners party!! You and your family are invited to come in to share in a special time (must be Safe Environment Trained) as we share in a small Manners Celebration together!!

NO SCHOOL Monday, May 26th in observance of Memorial Day!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Fantastic Friday!!

Today the kindergarten class did a super job at Mass!!

Today the Irving Public Library came to share with us information about the Summer Reading Challenge and we couldn't be more excited that it begins on June 7th!!!  We also enjoyed listening to and watching a puppet show!

Tomorrow, Saturday May 17th is the 2nd grade class First Communion!!!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Cool Down Tuesday!

The cool down is definitely refreshing and geared us into a wonderful working and learning mode today!!

Today we focused on problem solving stories in math and dictating story problems, identifying words for sentences that make sense, practicing for Mass, reading, and identifying push/pull forces that move objects!

Tonight, your child has Pictures and Words homework! Have them view the pictures and identify how they're different, followed by having them read the words to identify which words go with each picture!!

Do you know a family who is searching for a respectable and honorable school to send their child(ren) to?!  If you refer a family and they choose St. Luke School to become their own and register their children, you and your family will be exempt from required volunteer hours next year (with the exception of helping for our most fabulous Fall Festival which is always a fun-filled time)!!!

Monday, May 12, 2014

Marvelous Monday!!!

I hope all of the Mothers had a most blessed and beautiful Mother's Day filled with love and joy!!!

This week in kindergarten we will be working with:
-the digraph 'th'
-reading fluency and sentence structure
-recalling all aspects and parts of the Mass as we prepare for Mass on Friday
-measuring and comparing lengths, heights, money amounts, and some, some went away problem stories in math
-volunteering and helping others
-moving objects and forces

Do you know a family who is searching for a respectable and honorable school to send their child(ren) to?!  If you refer a family and they choose St. Luke School to become their own and register their children, you and your family will be exempt from required volunteer hours next year (with the exception of helping for our most fabulous Fall Festival which is always a fun-filled time)!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Rainy Thursday!

Today we had the opoportunity to visit the 3rd grade President and First Lady Wax Museum!!! It was a wonderful experience!!

We worked with symmetry in math and identifying all of the Mass parts in religion!! In social studies, we studied the purpose of a map key!!

TONIGHT is our PTP Meeting and the 3rd grade Wax Presentation of their Presidents at 6:30p.m.

TOMORROW: Friday, May 9th is our Walk-a-Thon at 9:00a.m.  Lunch will be served as normal!!  The PERMISSION SLIP had already been sent home, but another PERMISSION SLIP was sent home today that must be SIGNED and RETURNED by TOMORROW in order for your child to participate in the Walk-a-Thon!!!!

Do you know a family who is searching for a respectable and honorable school to send their child(ren) to?!  If you refer a family and they choose St. Luke School to become their own and register their children, you and your family will be exempt from required volunteer hours next year!!!